What the team lead to ask about the company in the interview

Based on my interviews, as well as interviews with colleagues and mentee, I have compiled a list of questions from the team lead to the company, what should be clarified during the interview - what to ask the interviewee.

The questions are suitable, perhaps, not only for the team leader, but were invented for him.

I try to write questions and their clarifications without value judgments, each person has his own priorities and desires. Also, all the questions go without any order and priority, everyone will determine it for himself.

What are the financial performance of the company?

Is the company profitable or wasting investor money? Or even investors have not yet reached, and the founders are still paying out of their own pockets? What does a business development plan look like?

If the company has a representative office in the Russian Federation, is it official (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) employment and is it completely "white" salary?

Even now, some companies sometimes use "gray" salary schemes. Also, sometimes there are employees who deliberately ask for a "gray" scheme.

Tell us about your understanding of a "good team lead"

The interlocutor should have a clear and consistent understanding of what he means by the concept of "team lead" and what criteria are used to evaluate the work of the team lead.

Perhaps this understanding is even spelled out in the job descriptions.

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Sometimes companies have a fixed and planned budget of X money per year for "training". Training can mean both trips to conferences as a listener, and participation in different courses.

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