The psychology of words: why specifics wins

In continuation of the publication " Invisible psychology of sites ", where Nick Kolenda makes unobvious conclusions and helps to increase the conversion of sites.

In his last book, Kolenda argued that a person is more likely to make a decision if he can imagine the end result, such as unpacking a product. Words are important because they form mental images (and therefore your decisions).

For example, you should write specific tasks on your calendar:

  • Vague: "Study in chemistry"

  • Specifically: "Review of Past Chemistry Exams"

Specific tasks are easier to visualize, so they seem easier to complete.

New research confirms this idea in sales ( Packard & Berger, 2021 ). Buyers were more likely to buy a shirt when the seller described it in specific terms.

Top vs. Shirt and Green T-shirt: Specific descriptions give an easier idea.
Top vs. Shirt and Green T-shirt: Specific descriptions give an easier idea.

Why is liveliness important?

If you can easily imagine a product, you can imagine its value. Your emotional response is stronger.

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In general : I cannot add a new product to your order. But you can cancel the current order and then add a new item.

But these answers are general. Your team should customize each answer:

Specifically : I cannot add these jeans to your order. But you can cancel the shoes and then add jeans to the order.

Both answers convey the same information, but the researchers confirmed that the second answer creates happier customers who spend more money.

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