Product monitoring again: how Postman eliminates coding from support

Postman is a handy tool that can describe and execute requests, get information about their statuses, build request chains, loop them, create scripts. The main plus is that there is practically no need to write code.

Some time ago, we already talked about the technology by which we put products for monitoring. At the top level, the action plan is as follows:

  1. Create a map of user scenarios - describe step by step all the actions that users perform in the product.

  2. Go through the interface, record the requests behind every user action.

  3. Prepare scripts that will simulate user actions by chaining requests.

Postman is responsible for the last step in this process, and even an engineer with zero experience and no coding knowledge can actually use it. We checked that it takes a couple of hours to learn how to make scripts in this program. After that, the support specialist can independently prepare new requests, schedule them and monitor the results.

How to work with Postman

So, you have decided on the scripts that you want to monitor, and prepared a list of requests that correspond to user actions. In Postman, scripts are built from these requests, as from a constructor. In addition to queries, collections and environments are such building blocks.

  • Environments contain the values โ€‹โ€‹of variables that we work with in scripts - server addresses, folder names, etc. In fact, one environment is one product.

  • The collection describes what to do with these variables. This is a collection of queries, and in our case, one collection is one monitoring scenario. One collection can be used in different environments by substituting the required variables. There is no need to write a new authorization script for each system - you can call a ready-made collection with one click.

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Postman , .

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