The second day of 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021: how it was

At the plenary session, a lot was said about the shift in emphasis from industrial products as such to impressions of their use. In this part of the conference, as well as in subsequent thematic sections, participants learned how 3D EXPERIENCE Works brings people, applications and data together in real time - that is, it covers almost all aspects of the enterprise. This opens the door to increased productivity, easier collaboration and faster innovation.

There have been several compelling testimonials from client companies that make heavy use of 3D EXPERIENCE Works tools to bring their ideas to life. One of these companies - startup Skinny Guy Campers - 3D EXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS helps to implement plans to expand its business.

A representative from Square Robot shared how they were able to strengthen their competitive edge by expanding design and manufacturing capabilities with 3D EXPERIENCE Works tools . Further, the participants were introduced to the Seed Terminator company, which uses 3D EXPERIENCE Works to adapt its products to various agricultural machines and crop weeds.

Frank Stevenson, who has a track record of being lead designer and design director at major auto companies such as McLaren, Ferrari, Maserati, Fiat and MINI, was (predictably) about speed. He described how to shorten development cycles, how to use rapidly evolving design tools and what needs to be done to support the human link in the human-machine system.

Want to see the race on the moon or take a ride in a flying taxi? Stevenson showed examples of his current projects - and indeed, this is something outside the world we are used to! Watch the recording of his presentation on the platform of the virtual event (“Agenda” tab).

Deep dive

. « — » , . , SIMULIA, SOLIDWORKS.

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3DEXPERIENCE World . . , , — , .

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