Code generation using Roslyn can be used without switching to .Net 5

Recently, when I was browsing the new features that will be included in .Net 5, I came across one very interesting one - source code generators. I was particularly interested in this functionality, since I have been using a similar approach for the last ... 5 years, and what Microsoft offers is simply a deeper integration of this approach into the project build process.

: , .Net 5 - , , , , - , Roslyn .

Roslyn , , , Microsoft .Net 5 .

, . JSON - REST .Net ( ) - , , DTO, REST .

, - , , , - .

, , . 100 , SQL, (visitors — IVisitor ), ( " LINQ SQL").

, , , , , (visitors), . , (assembly), , , , , .

, , , , Roslyn - , , , .


: t4 ( ), dll , .

, .cs , , :

var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(
    Path.Combine(projectFolder, "Syntax"), 

files = files.Concat(Directory.EnumerateFiles(projectFolder, "IExpr*.cs"));

var trees = files
    .Select(f => CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(File.ReadAllText(f)))

( , . .), , , , Roslyn , :

var cSharpCompilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("Syntax", trees);

foreach (var tree in trees)
    var semantic = cSharpCompilation.GetSemanticModel(tree);

, INamedTypeSymbol:

foreach (var classDeclarationSyntax in tree
    var classSymbol = semantic.GetDeclaredSymbol(classDeclarationSyntax);


var properties = GetProperties(classSymbol);

List<ISymbol> GetProperties(INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
    List<ISymbol> result = new List<ISymbol>();
    while (symbol != null)
            .Where(m => m.Kind == SymbolKind.Property));
        symbol = symbol.BaseType;

    return result;

foreach (var constructor in classSymbol.Constructors)

, , :

foreach (var parameter in constructor.Parameters)
    INamedTypeSymbol pType = (INamedTypeSymbol)parameter.Type;


  1. ?
  2. Nullable ( "Nullable reference types")?
  3. ( ), "" (Visitors).


var ta = AnalyzeSymbol(ref pType);
(bool IsNullable, bool IsList, bool Expr) AnalyzeSymbol(
    ref INamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol)
    bool isList = false;
    var nullable = typeSymbol.NullableAnnotation == NullableAnnotation.Annotated;

    if (nullable && typeSymbol.Name == "Nullable")
        typeSymbol = (INamedTypeSymbol)typeSymbol.TypeArguments.Single();

    if (typeSymbol.IsGenericType)
        if (typeSymbol.Name.Contains("List"))
            isList = true;

        if (typeSymbol.Name == "Nullable")
            nullable = true;

        typeSymbol = (INamedTypeSymbol)typeSymbol.TypeArguments.Single();

    return (nullable, isList, IsExpr(typeSymbol));

: AnalyzeSymbol Nullables::

List<T> => T (list := true) 
T? => T (nullable := true) 
List<T>? => T (list := true, nullable := true)

Roslyn , , :

bool IsExpr(INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
    while (symbol != null)
        if (symbol.Interfaces.Any(NameIsExpr))
            return true;
        symbol = symbol.BaseType;

    return false;

    bool NameIsExpr(INamedTypeSymbol iSym)
        if (iSym.Name == "IExpr")
            return true;

        return IsExpr(iSym);


public class NodeModel
    public string TypeName { get; }
    public bool IsSingleton { get; }
    public IReadOnlyList<SubNodeModel> SubNodes { get; }
    public IReadOnlyList<SubNodeModel> Properties { get; }

public class SubNodeModel
    public string PropertyName { get; }
    public string ConstructorArgumentName { get; }
    public string PropertyType { get; }
    public bool IsList { get; }
    public bool IsNullable { get; }

, - ( ). .

, .Net 5 ISourceGenerator Generator. . , , , , .

: .Net 5 , 1 2

, , .Net 5 , , , AutoMapper, Dapper . . ( ) ! , , , , , AutoMapper , , IL " ". , ( ). , , .


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