How to choose a mobile cross-platform in 2021

Cross-platform solutions are a trend in mobile development. There are already various technologies from PWA to Flutter and Kotlin Multiplatform. How to choose among them?

: , , , . , - . , 2021 .

โ€” -. , : , . , .

, , , .

โ€” , โ€” Android- iOS-, . -. .


. ยซ -ยป . ยซ -ยป (PWA). ?

- โ€” , , -, API . API , Push Notifications ( Android) , , . ยซยป, . ! PWA:


  • .

  • -.

  • .

  • .


  • iOS.

  • UX.

  • .

  • โ€” .

, PWA :

, PWA . .

: WebView . , HTML, CSS JS- . WebView ViewController/Activity .

Google Play AppStore, PWA. , , โ€” , .


  • .

  • -.

  • .


  • UX ( - ).

  • .

Hybrid application architecture

: Appcelerator, Ionic, Apache Cordova.


โ€” UX. , .

, UX. - .


Xamarin โ€” .NET Microsoft. 

Xamarin ( NET 5.0) - C# .NET . Xamarin Forms ( MAUI) โ€” .


  • Microsoft.

  • -.

  • -.


  • 2 Android - JVM Mono

  • Xamarin

React Native

React Native , React . ! Bitrise, React Native 13% . 500 ยซยป.

React Native Javascript TypeScript React Native . , TextView Android.

JavaScript VM JS- . React Native API . , .


  • .

  • Skype, Discord, Shopify, Tesla, Artsy.

  • .

  • React.


  • .

  • .


Flutter โ€” - Google, Dart. React Native, Flutter 2D- . , . Flutter Dart , Dart VM . Flutter React Native.

Flutter , 100 000 , , , . Bitrise, 9% Flutter. .


  • UI


  • UI

  • Dart.

  • (, ).

Kotlin Multiplatform

Xamarin, Flutter React Native iOS, Android.

Kotlin Multiplatform . KMP , (, -). - . ?

, KMP , -. , : Android Views, JetPack Compose Swift UI iOS. Flutter React Native ! Kotlin Multiplatform. .


  • Android.

  • iOS Kotlin .

  • Android iOS.

  • -.


  • , -.

  • UI.


, . :

  • , UI? โ€” PWA.

  • .NET? , Xamarin.

  • โ€” JS/TypeScript? React Native.

  • UI, -? , Kotlin Multiplatform.

, : , OS. - :)

, !

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