Run, config, run: how we speed up deploying configs in Badoo

Configuration files (configs) are an integral part of most applications, but, as practice shows, this is not the most popular topic for discussion. Most often, conversations about configs are limited to discussing working with them directly in the code: how to structure them, use environment variables or not, where to store passwords, etc. 

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if (\DownChecker\Host::isDisabled($host)) {
   $this->errcode = self::ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED;
   return false;

ยซ ยป mcode. SSH .


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. 2000 , PHP-. / , (2k rps), . โ€” , Publisher-Subscriber (PubSub). Redis, ( Memcache, ). 

Consul, (watches)   . PubSub . Consul, AutoConfig.



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  • Consul watch, -, ;

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$record = \AutoConfig\AutoConfigRecord::initByKeyData('myKey', 'Hello, Habr!', 'Eugene Tupikov');
$storage = new \AutoConfig\AutoConfigStorage();

$reader = new \AutoConfig\AutoConfigReader();
$config = $reader->getFromCurrentSpace('myKey');

$storage = new \AutoConfig\AutoConfigStorage();

Consul watch

Consul watch HTTP API, .


curl -X PUT --data 'hello, habr!'

curl -v

API , HTTP- X-Consul-Index , .

< X-Consul-Index: 266834870
< X-Consul-Knownleader: true
    "LockIndex": 0,
    "Key": "habr-key",
    "Flags": 0,
    "Value": "aGVsbG8sIGhhYnIh",
    "CreateIndex": 266833109,
    "ModifyIndex": 266834870

X-Consul-Index index




index API , -.

curl -X PUT --data 'updated value'

, ( Value ModifyIndex):

    "LockIndex": 0,
    "Key": "habr-key",
    "Flags": 0,
    "Value": "dXBkYXRlZCB2YWx1ZQ==",
    "CreateIndex": 266833109,
    "ModifyIndex": 266835734

consul watch -type=key -key=habr_key <handler>

Consul watch .

, . , auto_config.

consul watch -type=keyprefix -prefix=auto_config/ <handler>

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GitHub Issue , , . Consul , .

, Consul . Consul Watch.


return [
    'value' => [
        'version' => 437036,
        'keys' => [
            'my/awesome/key' => '80003ff43027c2cc5862385fdf608a45',
        'created_at' => 1612687434

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  • HTTP API ;

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Consul โ€” , AutoConfig , .

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Consul โ€” , Raft. Consul โ€” 512 . , , , . 

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Consul -. , - . , - , โ€” , . , (Retry), .

. , , Consul, .


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, . , AutoConfig A/B-, , Service Discovery .

โ€” 16 000, โ€” 120 .


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