This post is a continuation of the ideas expressed by me in the previous post , if any part of the reasoning seems to you insufficiently disclosed, perhaps you can find the answer in the previous post.
In one of the comments, a fair reproach was made to me that the use of water as rocket fuel is a rather wasteful approach that cannot be the basis for long-term stable development of lunar resources, and in another comment, the question was asked what exactly I propose to constantly transport from the surface of the moon to low near-Earth orbit, this post, it seems to me, should answer both of these questions.
As an answer to both of the above questions, I propose to completely abandon the production of oxygen / hydrogen fuel from lunar water and switch to using oxygen from the lunar soil, which is formed as a waste in the production of metals. the second component of the fuel pair, namely hydrogen, I propose to export from the Earth.
To immediate objections that the output of the payload to the Earth's LEO is very energy-intensive, I will answer that hydrogen makes up only 11% of the total mass of the fuel and, if necessary, make a choice to spend energy lifting hydrogen from the earth or extract it from such a valuable resource as lunar water, for me the choice is obvious ...
Also, the proposal to use lunar oxygen at the same time gives an answer to the question of what can be exported from submarines in such significant volumes to Earth's LEO, and this answer is the same oxygen.
Considering all of the above, we will consider the flight again along the PL-LEO-PL route, but already based on new prerequisites. To strengthen the understanding, we will omit the calculations and operate with ready-made figures, taking the following values as the initial data
I_SP = 4650 m / s
V_M1 = 1674 m / s
V_M2 = 0591 m / s
V_E2 = 3128 m / s
VE22 = V_E2 / 2 = 1564 m / s
680,7 654,6 26,2
236,0 209,8 26,2 . 444,8 .
, 87,1 6,1 . 363,8 357,7 6,1 .
55,3 49,7 6,1 . 308,5 .
-1 29,2 . 279,0 .
/ /.
87,7 . 191,6 .
100,0 69,4 . 161,0 , 91,6 69,4 .
- 100,0 .
/ / 103,1 91,6 11,5 . 57,9 .
87,7 . 145,6 87,7 57,9 .
98,7 87,7 11,0 . 46,9 .
-1 29,2 . 76,1 29,2 46,9 .
32,9 29,2 3,7 . 43,2 .
6,1 87,1 . 124,2 87,1 37,1 .
98,0 87,1 10,9 . 26,2 .
100,0 100,0 554,6 69,4 .
Anticipating in advance objections about the complexity of the design of rockets with cryogenic components, especially on hydrogen, I will say that organizational methods of overcoming this problem are quite realistic and will be explained in future posts.
Also, in the next posts, if any, it is supposed to take 100.0 tons of oxygen to the low Martian orbit and bring from there 100.0 tons of chlorine to the lunar surface for the needs of the chemical and metallurgical industries.