Making filters "like in Excel" on ASP.NET Core

"Make us filters like in Excel" is a fairly popular development request. Unfortunately, the general query implementation is "slightly" longer than its laconic statement. If you have never used these filters, here's an example . The main feature is that drop-down lists with values ​​from the selected range appear in the line with the column names. For example, in columns A and B - 4000 lines and 3999 values ​​(the first line is occupied by the column names). Thus, the corresponding drop-down lists will contain 3999 values. Column C has 220 lines and 219 values ​​in the drop-down list, respectively.


.NET has a great interface for centuries IQuerable<T>

that provides access to a variety of data sources. We will use it. Let's define an extension method ToDropdownOption

on top of the interface.

public static IQueryable<DropdownOption<TValue>> ToDropdownOption<TQueryable, TValue, TDropdownOption>(
   this IQueryable<TQueryable> q,
   Expression<Func<TQueryable, string>> labelExpression,
   Expression<Func<TQueryable, TValue>> valueExpression)
   where TDropdownOption: DropdownOption<TValue>
   //  Cache<TValue, TDropdownOption>.Constructor  reflection
   var newExpression = Expression.New(Cache<TValue, TDropdownOption>.Constructor);

   var e2Rebind = Rebind(valueExpression, labelExpression);
   var e1ExpressionBind = Expression.Bind(
       Cache<TValue, TDropdownOption>.LabelPropertyInfo, labelExpression.Body);
   var e2ExpressionBind = Expression.Bind(
       Cache<TValue, TDropdownOption>.ValuePropertyInfo, e2Rebind.Body);

   //   Label  Value
   var result = Expression.MemberInit(
       newExpression, e1ExpressionBind, e2ExpressionBind);
   var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TQueryable, DropdownOption<TValue>>>(
       result, labelExpression.Parameters);

   return q.Select(x => new DropdownOption<TValue>
     Label = labelExpression
     Value = valueExpression
        API Expression Trees
   return q.Select(lambda);

If the method code seems incomprehensible, read the transcript or watch the report Expression Trees in Enterprise Development . It will become much clearer.

The classes themselves DropdownOption

and DropdownOption<T>

vylgyadyat follows.

public class DropdownOption
   //     DropdownOption
   internal DropdownOption() {}

   internal DropdownOption(string label, object value)
       Value = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
       Label = label ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(label));

   public string Label { get; internal set; }

   public object Value { get; internal set; }

public class DropdownOption<T>: DropdownOption
    internal DropdownOption() {}

    public DropdownOption(string label, T value) : base(label, value)
        _value = value;

    private T _value;

    public new virtual T Value
        get => _value;
       internal set
           _value = value;
           base.Value = value;

The internal constructor trick allows you to cast anything DropdownOption<T>

to DropdownOption

without a generic parameter, while at the same time preventing the creation of instances of a class without a generic parameter outside the assembly.

/ . new

. , .

API . .

public IEnumerable GetDropdowns(IQueryable<SomeData> q) =>
    q.ToDropdownOption(x => x.String, x => x.Id)


? , :

public IActionResult GetData(
    [FromServices] IQueryable<SomeData> q
    [FromQuery] SomeDataFilter filter) =>




public class SomeDataFilter
   public int[] Number { get; set; }

   public DateTime[]? Date { get; set; }

   public string[]? String { get; set; }

public class SomeData
   public int Number { get; set; }

   public DateTime Date { get; set; }

   public string String { get; set; }




public static IQueryable<SomeData> Filter(
    this IQueryable<SomeData> q,
    SomeDataFilter filter)
    if (filter.Number != null)
        q = q.Where(x => filter.Number.Contains(x.Number));

    if (filter.Date != null)
        q = q.Where(x => filter.Date.Contains(x.Date));

    if (filter.String != null)
        q = q.Where(x => filter.String.Contains(x.String));

    return q;



, , - , :

public IActionResult GetSomeDataFilterDropdownOptions(
   [FromServices] IQueryable<SomeData> q)
   var number = q
       .ToDropdownOption(x => x.Number.ToString(), x => x.Number)

   var date = q
       .ToDropdownOption(x => x.Date.ToString("d"), x => x.Date)

   var @string = q
       .ToDropdownOption(x => x.String, x => x.String)

   return Ok(new

, SomeDataFilters, .

public interface IDropdownProvider<T>
  Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DropdownOption>> GetDropdownOptions();

, :

public class SomeDataFiltersDropdownProvider: IDropdownProvider<SomeDataFilter>
   private readonly IQueryable<SomeData> _q;

   public SomeDataFiltersDropdownProvider(IQueryable<SomeData> q)
       _q = q;

   public Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DropdownOption>> GetDropdownOptions()
       return new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DropdownOption>>()
               "name", _q
               .ToDropdownOption(x => x.Number.ToString(), x => x.Number)
               "date", _q
               .ToDropdownOption(x => x.Date.ToString("d"), x => x.Date)
               "string", _q
               .ToDropdownOption(x => x.String, x => x.String)

, DropdownProvider


public async IActionResult Dropdowns(
     string type, 
     [FromServices] IServiceProvider serviceProvider
     [TypeResolver] ITypeResolver typeResolver)
   var t = typeResolver(type);
   if (t == null)
       return NotFound();

   //   dynamic,      .
   // T ,       .
   dynamic service = serviceProvider

   if (service == null)
       return NotFound();

   var res = service.GetDropdownOptions();
   return Ok(res);

, , , . , . , . IQueryable

ORM, Unit Of Work

ORM ( change tracking). (scope) ServiceProvider


public static async Task<TResult> InScopeAsync<TService, TResult>(
    this IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
    Func<TService, IServiceProvider, Task<TResult>> func)
    using var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();
     return await func(



public async Task<Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DropdownOption>>>
    var dict = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DropdownOption>>();
    var name = sp.InScopeAsync<IQueryable<SomeData>>(q => q
        .ToDropdownOption(x => x.Number.ToString(), x => x.Number)

    var date = sp.InScopeAsync<IQueryable<SomeData>>(q => q
        .ToDropdownOption(x => x.Date.ToString("d"), x => x.Date)

    var @string = sp.InScopeAsync<IQueryable<SomeData>>(q => q
        .ToDropdownOption(x => x.String, x => x.String)

    await Task.WhenAll(new []{name, date, @string}});
    dict["name"] = await name;
    dict["date"] = await date;
    dict["string"] = await @string;
    return dict;

All that remains is to clean up the code, eliminate duplication, and provide a better API. The builder design pattern works well for this . I will omit the implementation details. An inquisitive reader will certainly be able to design a similar API on his own.

public async Task<Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DropdownOption>>>
     return sp

        .With(x => x.Number)
        .As<SomeData, int>(GetNumbers)

        .With(x => x.Date)
        .As<SomeData, DateTime>(GetDates)

        .With(x => x.String)
        .As<SomeData, string>(GetStrings)

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