Sequential deep learning for credit risk monitoring using tabular financial data


Machine learning plays an important role in preventing financial loss in the banking industry. Perhaps the most pressing forecasting challenge is assessing credit risk (the risk of debt default). Such risks can lead to losses of billions of dollars annually. Today, most of the benefits of machine learning in predicting credit risk are due to gradient enhancement decision tree models. However, these benefits start to diminish if not supported by new data sources and / or high-tech, flexible features. In this article, we present our attempts to create a new approach to credit risk assessment using deep learning that does not involve complex monitoring, does not rely on new model inputs.We propose new methods for fetching credit card transactions for use with deep recurrent and causal convolutional neural networks that use temporal sequences of financial data, without special resource requirements. We show that our sequential approach to deep learning using a temporary convolutional network has outperformed the reference inconsistent tree model, achieving significant financial savings and early detection of credit risk. We also demonstrate the potential of our approach for use in a production environment, where the proposed sampling technique allows sequences to be stored efficiently in memory, using them for rapid online learning and production.that use time sequences of financial data, without special resource requirements. We show that our sequential approach to deep learning using a temporary convolutional network has outperformed the reference inconsistent tree model, achieving significant financial savings and early detection of credit risk. We also demonstrate the potential of our approach for use in a production environment, where the proposed sampling technique allows sequences to be stored efficiently in memory, using them for rapid online training and production.that use time series of financial data, without special resource requirements. We show that our sequential approach to deep learning using a temporary convolutional network has outperformed the reference inconsistent tree model, achieving significant financial savings and early detection of credit risk. We also demonstrate the potential of our approach for use in a production environment, where the proposed sampling technique allows sequences to be stored efficiently in memory, using them for rapid online learning and production.having achieved significant financial savings and early detection of credit risk. We also demonstrate the potential of our approach for use in a production environment, where the proposed sampling technique allows sequences to be stored efficiently in memory, using them for rapid online learning and production.having achieved significant financial savings and early detection of credit risk. We also demonstrate the potential of our approach for use in a production environment, where the proposed sampling technique allows sequences to be stored efficiently in memory, using them for rapid online training and production. 

KEYWORDS credit risk, tabular data, credit card transactions, recurrent neural networks, temporal convolutional networks 


  ,    ,   ,     (, ). ,   [24]. 

(GBDTs), , [10]. ,          .  , ,      , , . . -,   , . -,    . , - ( ) -  , , (, [6]). 

, ,    . ,  GBDT, ,    (TCN)  . , , . - . 

        [9, 23],   [3, 26] [1,19]. ,    , (RNN) TCN, . , ,      .  , , ,  « » ,  / . ,  ,     -.     - . 

 , , . , ( )   -. ,   . , , - . 



, . , () 1,5   . 

2.1.1. .   . , , ,    ()  , 127    . : ( , . .) ( , . .).  ,   . - . 

2.1.2.  .   15 , 2016 2017 .     , 45   . , ( ) . 

      6   ( )  , 2017 2018 ,     . , . 2%   . , - - , - , .

2.1.3.  . ,  , . , .   : 

  •    ( / ) 10 ,   ; 

  •  «»     , , , ( GBDT), , , : (s1, s2, . . . , sk ), si > sj , for all i > j,   : 

x - , xˆ-  ( . . 1); 

•    - [5]; 

•  ()  , [18]   :  

  1.     ; 

  2.     1, : 

G - , | G | - , k – -, ( k = 30), y - .  

• ,    . 

Figure 1: Compacting using GBDT partitioning.
1: GBDT.


   . . ,     ,    - . , , ,     . 

 – . -, , - . -, , 11 .   ( . 2).    ,       (  10 ). 

Figure 2: Sequence of selected transactions.
2: .

     . ,    – , , . , . 

     12 , . . 


, ,  GBDT .  GBDT , . ,  (  TabNet) . 

2.3.1 . (MLP) . MLP /   .   "" , MLP [13]. , , , . 

2.3.2. TabNet. TabNet -   ,  [2].   ,    .  TabNet  : . , .    , ,    , (. 3). , , .

Figure 3: Architecture of TabNet decision steps.
3: TabNet.

2.3.3.  . , GBDT: . RNNS , . 

 long short-term memory (LSTM) RNN [14],   RNN.   ,   . RNN,  zoneout [17]. , zoneout  RNN. , , zoneout   .  zoneout  , RNN . LSTM  zoneout  .4. 

Figure 4: A single-layer LSTM architecture for predicting credit risk (i.e., default on credit card debt) based on 12-month transaction data.
4: LSTM (. . ) 12- .

2.3.4   . RNN , , . ,  RNN  [21]. , [4, 7, 11, 15, 20]. , , ,  RNNs. , . , t t (. . 5) [25]. 

, , ,    (TCN) [4]. , TCNS  (), , ,    [27]. TCNS ,    , (. . 6), [12]. TCN  , .  deep TCN . 7. 

Figure 6: TCN block.
6: TCN.


2.4.1. . , /, ,  SigOpt [8]. , - . , 5- MLP, 3- LSTM ( 2 LSTM ) 6- TCN ( 2 TCN 4 ). ( ~0,2). 

2.4.2. . [16] [22]. - ( = 0,9, 0,999), , . - , . 

2.4.3.  . , . , 512 0,8, 1e-4, , . 

2.4.4 . .   ,   .   ( = (2*AUROC) - 1). , , - . - . 


GBDT 1.    (  15 000 ) , . 

Table 1: Effectiveness of individual and ensemble models for the general population and the highly indebted population (over $ 15,000)
1: ( 15 . .)

, LSTM TCN,   GBDT. MLP  TabNet  . , , LSTM TCN GBDT, , , . ,   , , , (  ). 

Table 2: Performance of selected models divided by default date.
2: , .

3.1.  .  , , . ,    , . 

LSTM TCN GBDT ( ,  , ) 2. ,  GBDT, -, ( 6 ),  , , ( 7-12 ) ( 13-18 ), , . 

3.2.  .  ( ). 8 , , , , , « » ,  . LSTM, TCN 12 , TCN LSTM .    , ,    . , 2016 . 

Figure 8: Performance increases as the number of monthly transactions in sequence increases.
8: .

3.3. -.  , , LSTM TCN -. , , 2017 . . 9, . , , . , . 

Figure 9: Online training (i.e., progressively adjusting the weights using the input data) gave better performance results compared to reinitializing the weights with small random values ​​before training.
9: - (. . ) .

3.4.  .  TCN LSTM ,   . NVDIA Tesla V100, ~30 , TCN - 512 , ~50   LSTM. , TCN , , LSTM. 

, LSTM , TCN. Bai et al. [4], LSTM / , . , TCN . ,   1 , , ( 10 ). , , , , (TCN) (LSTM). 

4. . 

, , , . . 

, . , TCN . , ,    -. 

, , LSTM TCN. , GBDT    ,  . , - ( ) . 

- , ,    , , . , , . , . 

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