Converting a number to a string using SIMD + FPU

Option to convert double / real8

 to string by SIMD

 using FPU

as an aid. The use of FPU is caused by the desire to obtain 16 significant digits.

In accordance with,  x64 software conventions

 we will assume that the number to be converted is located in  XMM0


We will use  x64

 bit code for  x32

 bit addressing. This way of addressing allows you to take advantage of both dialects.

We will use the undocumented convention of passing / returning multiple parameters from a function. The agreement absolutely mirrors the agreement  x64 software conventions

 , except that it describes the rules for placing parameters when exiting the procedure.

For the convenience of reading the code, we will create two blocks of text constants, in the first we will define aliases for the arguments of the assembler commands, in the second we will define aliases for the sizes of variables in the stack that will make it easy to understand which variable we are writing / reading:

ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO            equ 11b

LCW          equ word
LIExp2       equ dword
LIExp10      equ dword
LSExp10      equ dword
LIUpPathNam  equ dword
LILowPathNam equ dword
LNamber      equ qword
LMulExp2     equ qword
LStX         equ tbyte
LString      equ xmmword * 2

We create a segment of auxiliary data that we will use in the calculation, it is especially worth noting that the data for the registers is SIMD

aligned according to the paragraph for the possibility of direct access:

	f10m4 real4 4 dup (1.0e-4)
	f10p4 real4 4 dup (1.0e+4)
	f10m2 real4 4 dup (1.0e-2)
	f10p2 real4 4 dup (1.0e+2)
	f10m1 real4 4 dup (1.0e-1)
	f10p1 real4 4 dup (1.0e+1)

	f0001 real4 0.0, 1.0e-2, 1.0e-1, 1.0
	f0002 real4 0.0, 0.0,    1.0e+1, 1.0e+1

	i30h  db 10h dup (30h)
	f10p8 real4 1.0e+8
	NoSD  real4 7.0

	CW0   dw 0F7Fh
	CW1   dw 037Fh
	DotM  dw 652Dh
	namber   real8 -1.234567890123456e+248


, :

	fstcw     word ptr[esp - LCW]
	fstp     tbyte ptr[esp - LCW - LStX]
	fldcw      CW0



	movd      rax, xmm0

'-' , , 1 0 :

	mov      dword ptr[esp - LString - dword], 2D000000h ; '-' 00 00 00
	setnc     byte ptr[esp - LString - dword - byte] 
	mov      qword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber], rax

, "" "" / , "", , , FPU


	shr       rax, 34h
	sub       eax, 3FFh
	mov      dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LIExp2], eax


2 () 10 () 2 (), :

	fimul    dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LIExp2]

, , :

	fsubr    NoSD
	fistp    dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LIExp10]


10 () 2 () 10 (), :

	fimul    dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LIExp10]


	fist     dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LIExp10 - LIExp2]

. f2xm1

60 Skylake



	fisub    dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LIExp10 - LIExp2]




	cvtsi2ss xmm0, dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LIExp10]

EAX , :

	mov       eax, dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LIExp10 - LIExp2]
	add        ax, 3FFh
	shl       rax, 34h
	mov            qword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LMulExp2], rax


	xor       edx, edx
	subss    xmm0, NoSD
	pxor     xmm1, xmm1
	comiss   xmm1, xmm0
jz @f


	shufps   xmm0, xmm0, 0
	subps    xmm1, xmm0
	maxps    xmm0, xmm1

, :

	mulps    xmm0, xmmword ptr f0001
	roundps  xmm0, xmm0, ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO
	pshufd   xmm1, xmm0, 10010000b
	mulps    xmm1, xmmword ptr f0002
	subps    xmm0, xmm1


	cvtps2dq xmm0, xmm0
	pxor     xmm1, xmm1
	pcmpeqd  xmm1, xmm0
	packusdw xmm0, xmm0
	packuswb xmm0, xmm0





	mov       eax, 2B65h
	cmovc      ax, DotM



	movmskps  ecx, xmm1
	bsr       ecx, ecx
	lea       ecx,[ecx * 8 - 8]
	movd      edx, xmm0
	add       edx, 30303000h
	shrd      rdx, rdx, cl       
	mov        dx,  ax


@@:	fmul     qword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LMulExp2]


	fadd     qword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber - LMulExp2]


	fmul     qword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LNamber]


	fist     dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LILowPathNam - LIUpPathNam]

10+8 :

	fisub    dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LILowPathNam - LIUpPathNam]
	fmul     f10p8


	fldcw      CW1
	fistp    dword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LIUpPathNam]



	fld      tbyte ptr[esp - LCW - LStX]
	fldcw     word ptr[esp - LCW]




	movq     xmm0, qword ptr[esp - LCW - LStX - LIUpPathNam - LILowPathNam]
	cvtdq2ps xmm0, xmm0


	movaps   xmm1, xmm0
	mulps    xmm0, xmmword ptr f10m4
	roundps  xmm0, xmm0, ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO
	movaps   xmm2, xmm0
	mulps    xmm2, xmmword ptr f10p4
	subps    xmm1, xmm2
	unpcklps xmm0, xmm1


	movaps   xmm1, xmm0
	mulps    xmm0, xmmword ptr f10m2
	roundps  xmm0, xmm0, ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO
	movaps   xmm2, xmm0
	mulps    xmm2, xmmword ptr f10p2
	subps    xmm1, xmm2


	movaps   xmm2, xmm1
	mulps    xmm1, xmmword ptr f10m1
	roundps  xmm1, xmm1, ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO
	movaps   xmm3, xmm1
	mulps    xmm3, xmmword ptr f10p1
	subps    xmm2, xmm3	
	cvtps2dq xmm1, xmm1
	cvtps2dq xmm2, xmm2
	pslld    xmm2, 8
	paddb    xmm1, xmm2


	movaps   xmm2, xmm0
	mulps    xmm0, xmmword ptr f10m1
	roundps  xmm0, xmm0, ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO
	movaps   xmm3, xmm0
	mulps    xmm3, xmmword ptr f10p1
	subps    xmm2, xmm3
	cvtps2dq xmm0, xmm0
	cvtps2dq xmm2, xmm2
	pslld    xmm2, 8
	paddb    xmm0, xmm2


	pslld    xmm1, 16
	paddb    xmm0, xmm1


	pxor     xmm3, xmm3
	pcmpeqb  xmm3, xmm0
	pmovmskb  eax, xmm3
	bts       eax, 10h
	bsr       eax, eax


	paddb    xmm0, xmmWord ptr i30h
	movdqu   [esp - LString + byte], xmm0


	mov      qword ptr[esp - LString + byte + eax], rdx


	movd     xmm0, rdx
	pxor     xmm1, xmm1
	pcmpeqb  xmm1, xmm0
	pmovmskb  edx, xmm1
	bsf       edx, edx
	lea       eax,[eax + edx + word + byte]

'.' :

	mov     dl,[esp - LString + byte]
	mov     dh,'.'
	mov        [esp - LString], dx


	mov     ecx,   dword ptr[esp - LString - dword - byte]
	sub     eax, ecx




	movdqu xmm1, xmmword ptr[esp - LString +   ecx - byte]
	movdqu xmm2, xmmword ptr[esp - LString +   ecx - byte + xmmword]



	mov     ecx, eax

- .

- .

Why are they used simultaneously FPU

and SIMD

- because there FPU

is an extended precision mode that allows you to extract 16 significant digits.

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