Google is taking over Python

Google has declared itself an ideological sponsor of Python. Visionary Sponsor as they call it. They started by donating $ 350,000 to the Python Foundation yesterday. Google has sponsored Python for 10 years now, nothing new seems to be, but apart from a new term, they set new goals:

  • Search for malicious code in pip database.

  • Improving the main parts of Python.

  • Paid full-time position "CPython developer"

Google uses Python in many services, Google distributes libraries in Python and they have a lot of money, everything seems to be logical, it is necessary to sponsor, especially the creator and maintainer just retired. But first on the list of priorities is essentially control over PyPI / pip install. Of course, it will not be enough to just "search" for the malicious code, it will be deleted by Google employees using Google algorithms. So the situation will begin like with Google Play, "save my package banned without explanation!" After Microsoft bought Github, who will be surprised at the desire of effective managers to control another large platform, why not monetize it in the end or use it for other good purposes.

What many are now afraid of is a fork, those who disagree with the policy of the ideological sponsor may want to develop Python on their own, and this can ruin everything. A fork of Python is not much simpler than a fork of a browser, incompatibilities will begin, abrupt changes, two completely different fourth Python may come out. There are many creative ways for a corporation to spoil an open source project with their kindness, remember the intervention of Oracle that led to the fact that there is now Open Office and Libre Office.

On the other hand, you can expect advanced JIT compilation technologies in CPython, the Android version of Python. If the full-time developer will be at the level of Lars Bak or Daan Leijen, maybe the GIL will be removed in Python, there will be powerful opportunities for multitasking and parallelism. Dreams. Are the words dream and visionary close? In addition to Visionary, Python has Sustainability sponsors, Maintaining sponsors, Contributing sponsors, Supporting sponsors, Partner sponsors, Participating sponsors, and Associate sponsors. They differ in the amount of donation, 1500 for Associate and 150,000 for Visionary with a smooth gradient for other positions. Moreover, all this beauty of eight positions was created just before the very announcement of ideological sponsorship. Zeroing is like that.

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By the way, you can calculate that if the Python interpreter was twice as fast, then it would be possible to reduce electricity consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by a sensitive amount, like with bitcoin. Proposed for such optimizations in CPython has been hanging for more than one year, there is no money. JIT has already arrived in Ruby, PHP8, Lua, but not Python. Probably speed in the language is not the main thing. And protecting nature and saving electricity is not the main thing, the main thing is to keep a repository of all packages written in Python on your servers. After all, there is so much malicious code there.

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