Telegram bot to automate a cryptocurrency exchanger

Instead of a preface

In this article, I will outline in general terms the direction in which to move in order to create a semi-automatic cryptocurrency exchanger with the ability to manage transactions from any device anywhere in the world 24/7. You won't find implementation details here, since rather, this material is intended to provide the basic knowledge needed to launch such a startup.

Semi-automatic cryptocurrency exchanger.

Once upon a time, I wrote a little about the use of a telegram bot to automate some processes. I must say that a lot of time has passed, but I continue to use some of the ideas that were presented in that little material.

The exchange of cryptocurrency today is no longer just a reality, to some extent it is already a need. Time is ruthless and now digital gold is becoming a very important part of the assets of millions of people. There are several types of exchangers on the Internet, the main of which are:

  • semi-automatic

  • manual

  • automatic

  • p2p - exchangers

  • exchanges

We will talk about a semi-automatic option with the ability to expand to a p2p exchanger, because this is a fairly simple and convenient way.

Required skill set.

, . , , , . , . :

  1. Linux, zsh, vim, systemd

  2. nginx, ssl

  3. ES6, Material Ui, React, eslint, webpack, scss

  4. python3, asyncio, aiohttp, peewee

  5. postgresql

  6. telegram bot api

  7. docker


  1. MVC


  2. Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Builder, Facade, Prototype


  3. Scheduler


  4. Event Listner, State

    - ,

  5. Proxy


, , . , , .

- , , , - . .. , , , : . , ( ) - ?

, . - , , . Single Page Application, , json-rpc

. tcp,


. Node Package Manager

, , react router,


, node-sass


, webpack


- . - . stateless. redux

- , .

, , . , react

material ui

. - , , - .

, :

- ,

. P2P , , . , . , , .


, . , . BTC/USD USD/RUB, , . get

, coinbase, kraken, bitmex. aiohttp client


, , , - , - , , .

- BaseModel, , , created_at, updated_at , , datetime_serializer, , :

API KEY, , " ". ? , , . - , . , . , . , , . . callback_url, . webhook url

. . , , . , BTC . , BTC, .

, master wallet, , . . :

, . , , ( ) blockchain.




: , , , . : .

Telegram bot

. @BotFather, , , ( - , ).

, rpc

, .

, . ( ). , .

, message


(reply inline ).

, . race condition, - , atomic_db_query

async with objects.atomic() as atomic_db_query:
  	pass  # some database change

- .. , , , . , subscription

, , :

, , . 24/7 , , , :


, , CI-CD, .

, , ipython



, , mod_rewrite


location = /api/rates/rates.xml {
  rewrite .* /api/rates/ last;

, xml , rewrite


- - Basic Auth

bootstrap admin template

. :

, , , , , . JWT



, , . , . , , . - . . , - .

I hope someone finds this information useful. I just wanted to share a bit of my experiences and experiences gained from the process.

Further development is positioned as a p2p platform for making an exchange. I would be glad to have any questions and suggestions, and thank you very much for your time.

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