IT valentine: 53 ways to confess your love

Once at a Zoom call of our team, the thread of the discussion went beyond the planned. This often happens at a remote location, because everyone lacks the usual "kitchen" communication in the office. The conversation began with an Italian book, where β€œI love you” is written in all languages ​​of the world. Then there were objections that programming languages ​​are languages ​​too, why are they not there ??? Then we remembered that Valentine's Day was just around the corner. So we figured out how to make a remake of this book in our own way, and at the same time recall the latest rating of programming languages ​​from the IEEE.

We released the book in a small edition, and in this post we publish its content: declarations of love in 53 of the most popular programming languages. And as a bonus, we offer a short description of each of them.

1. Python . An object-oriented and interpreted language that relies heavily on a large number of libraries, including popular modules for machine learning and scientific computing.

print('I love you!')


2. Java . An object-oriented language that generates code to run in a virtual machine. This allows it to run on different platforms with minor changes. Java is a popular choice for web application developers.

public class ILoveYou
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("I love you!");


3. C . Used to write programs where speed and flexibility are important. For example, in embedded systems or high performance computing.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    printf("I love you!\n");
    return 0;


4. C ++ . An object-oriented version of C, which turned out to be a logical continuation for software driven by graphical user interfaces.

#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::cout << "I love you!" << std::endl;
    return 0;


5. JavaScript . A scripting language used primarily for adding functionality to web browsers on the fly, it allows you to create complex web pages.

document.write("I love you!");


6. R . A programming language and environment designed for statistical analysis and data mining applications.

print("I love you!")


7. Arduino . Based on the Wiring language and the Processing development environment, the native language of the Arduino microcontroller has become the basis for a huge number of DIY and prototype devices.

void setup() {
Serial.println("I love you!");
void loop() {


8. Go . Created by Google, Go has built-in support for programs that need to communicate while running on different kernels or computers.

package main;
import "fmt"
func main()
    fmt.Println("I love you!")


9. Swift . Apple's language for building iOS and macOS software. Compatible with C, C ++ and Objective-C code.

print('I love you!')


10. MATLAB . A scripting language for the MATLAB computing environment from MathWorks. Designed for numerical computing tasks such as engineering or scientific modeling.

disp('I love you!')


11. Ruby . A scripting language designed to provide more support for objects than other similar languages.

puts "I love you!"


12. Dart . Developed by Google, Dart can be compiled for ARM and x86 architectures for mobile devices, or ported to JavaScript for browser-based applications. The Dart-based Flutter framework is designed to create custom books for iOS and Android.

void main() {
  print('I love you!');


13. SQL . A specialized language for querying and manipulating databases. There are extensions for writing general programs that allow, for example, to run business logic along with a database.

CREATE TABLE iloveyou (phrase TEXT);
INSERT INTO iloveyou VALUES ("I love you!");
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iloveyou;


14. PHP . A scripting language designed primarily to support dynamic websites.

echo "I love you!";


15. Assembly . A generic term for the vast family of processor instruction sets. Writing assembly code requires significant knowledge, but allows you to create high-speed software that can run directly on hardware.

    global  _main
    extern  _printf
    section .text
    push    message
    call    _printf
    add     esp, 4
    db  'I love you!', 10, 0


16. Scala . Programs written in Scala can run in the same virtual machine as Java programs.

object Love {
    def main(args: Array[String]) = {
        println("I love you!")


17. HTML . A specialized language for describing the look and feel of web pages, often extensible with CSS.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <p>I love you!</p>


18. Kotlin . As a Java extension, Kotlin code can run in a Java virtual machine or be compiled to JavaScript or a native Android application.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("I love you!")


19. Julia . The language is designed for statistical and scientific computing, and is compatible with legacy libraries written in Fortran and C.

println("I love you!")


20. Rust . A language designed to facilitate robust programming of parallel systems.

fn main() {
    println!("I love you!");


21. Shell . A general term for a set of frameworks that allow scripting for the operating system command line.

echo I love you!


22. Processing . This language was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to make it easier for artists, designers, and hobbyists to create visualizations. A closely related JavaScript library called p5.js allows you to build browser-based applications.

PFont font;
void setup() {
  font = loadFont("CharterBT-Roman-48.vlw");
void draw() {
  text("I love you!",10,100);


23. C # . An object-oriented language created by Microsoft for developing software for the .NET platform. Supports many Windows and Azure applications.

using System;
class ILoveYou
    static void Main()
      Console.Write("I love you!");


24. SAS . The language of data analysis and statistical analysis.

data foo ;
    bar="I love" ;
    put bar= "you!";
run ;


25. Fortran . Created in the 1950s, Fortran is designed for high performance scientific and engineering computing.

      program iloveyou
          print *, "I love you!"
       end program


26. CUDA . A platform and toolkit from graphics chip maker NVIDIA that enables programmers to leverage the power of GPUs for general-purpose computing.

__global__ void cuda_love(){
    printf("I love you!\n");
int main() {
    return 0;


27. Visual Basic . Microsoft created Visual Basic for the rapid development of Windows applications, but no longer supports it. A descendant of Visual Basic .NET, which is still supported, works with the more modern .NET framework.

Imports System
Module Love
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("I love you!")
    End Sub 
End Module


28. Objective-C . Was Apple's favorite language for writing apps for OS X and iOS before Swift.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSLog(@"I love you!");
    return 0;


29. Delphi . A Pascal derivative used for Windows applications. Owned by Embarcadero Delphi. Open source implementations for Open Pascal exist for other platforms.

program ILoveYou;
  WriteLn('I love you!');


30. Perl . Once a single language was often used as a glue in complex systems. Perl now belongs to two closely related but different languages: Perl 5 and the updated Perl 6.

print('I love you!')


31. Verilog . A hardware description language (defined by the IEEE 1364 standard) that is used to create and analyze electronic circuits. Forms the basis for the later and extended SystemVerilog (IEEE 1800).

module love_you ;
initial begin
  $display ("I love you!");
   #10  $finish;


32. VHDL . An equipment description language used in the creation and analysis of electronic circuits.

entity T01_ILoveYou is
end entity;
architecture sim of ILoveYou is
    process is
        report "I love you!";
    end process;
end architecture;


33. Elixir . An extension of the Erlang programming language, Elixir is designed for large-scale software such as high-traffic websites or processing large amounts of data.

Erlang/OTP 21.0 [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [...]
Interactive Elixir (1.11.3) - press Ctrl+C to exit
iex(1)> "I " <> "love " <> "you!"
"I love you!"


34. F # . Developed by Microsoft, F # targets the .NET programming environment most commonly found on Windows. It is mainly built on functions, but it also supports object oriented programming.

let main argv = 
    printfn "I love you!"


35. Prolog . Originally from the AI ​​community, this language is primarily used as a teaching and research tool.

$ swipl
?- write('I love you!'), nl.


36. Lua . This scripting language is often used to make other applications programmable, especially in the fields of animation and games.

print("I love you!")


37. Lisp . Created in the 1950s, Lisp has become widely used by artificial intelligence researchers, but has declined in popularity in recent years. However, the Lisp flavors such as Clojure and Scheme (listed separately) boast active communities.

CL-USER> (defun love ()
           (format t "I love you!~%"))
CL-USER> (love)
I love you!


38. Ada . Originally developed for the US Department of Defense, the language is used for applications where reliability is critical, such as aerospace control systems.

with Ada.Text_IO;
   procedure sayLove is
      Ada.Text_IO.put("I love you!");    -- Output some text!
   end sayLove;


39. Apache Groovy . An object-oriented programming language that runs on the Java platform. A well-known framework for creating web applications, Grails, is written in Groovy.

public class Love {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        System.out.println("I love you!");


40. Scheme . Originally conceived as a language for educational purposes, Scheme is now a family of Lisp variations that are used in applications such as App Inventor for Android. This allows you to quickly develop mobile services.

  (display "I love you!")


41. Haskell . The language, built on the principles of pure functional programming, is designed for applications where reliability is important.

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "I love you!"


42. COBOL . COBOL software, developed in the late 1950s for business and financial applications, still manages mission-critical systems in many large organizations.

    DISPLAY 'I love you!'.


43. Clojure . A Lisp dialect compatible with the same virtual machine that supports Java programs.

(ns helloworld.core)
(defn -main
  "I can say 'I love you!'."
  (println "I love you!"))


44. ABAP . ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a programming language for business services created by SAP.

 WRITE 'I love you!'.


45. D . Built as the successor to C ++, D has an inline assembler for using architecture-specific hardware.

import std.stdio;
void main()
    writeln("I love you!");


46. Forth . Originally developed to control radio telescopes, this programming language is still used today for applications such as bootloaders and firmware.

: LOVE  ( -- )  CR ." I love you!" ;


47. OCaml . An object-oriented language with an emphasis on software reliability.

print_string "I love you!\n";;


48. Tcl . An interpreted language designed for rapid prototyping and support for the Tk graphical user interface used primarily by Unix systems.

#! /usr/local/bin/wish8.5
button .love -text "I love you!" -command { exit }
pack .love


49. Erlang . The release of Erlang as an open source language created by Ericsson for embedded telephony applications in 1998 increased its popularity among programmers developing services that must process many tasks simultaneously.

    love_you() -> io:fwrite("I love you!\n").


50. Eiffel . An object oriented language that has influenced several other common languages. An important principle is that as much of the code optimization work as possible should be left to the compiler, while the programmer will focus on the fundamental logic and readability of the code.

   on_paint (paint_dc: WEL_PAINT_DC; invalid_rect: WEL_RECT)
            paint_dc.draw_centered_text("I love you!", client_rect)   


51. CoffeeScript . Designed to make it easier to write JavaScript code by implementing syntax conventions from other languages.

console.log("I love you!")


52. J . Mostly used for analytics and mathematical programming, code written in J is often very concise.

echo 'I love you!'
exit ''


53. Racket . A variation of Lisp, this language makes it easy to create your own domain-specific languages.

> "I love you!"


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