How fast do you need to run to stay still?

Have you ever wondered why the salary is growing, but life is not getting better? Naturally, the conversation is not about the fact that ten years ago you fiddled about where you had to, but now a highly paid specialist.

Let's use mathematics and sleight of hand to talk about how much the salary should be raised so that the standard of living does not go down.

Inflation in natural habitat

Inflation is not a one-time act. It happens little by little, but all the time. When Rosstat tells us that inflation in 2020 was 4.9%, this does not mean that the evil fairy waved a magic wand and prices rose on December 31.

Throughout the year, prices are monitored, monthly and quarterly inflation is compiled according to them, and at the end of the year the annual indicator is already announced. Here it is possible to see the monthly inflation.

It should be noted separately that the inflation calculation method shows the average temperature in the hospital. If dumplings and vodka become cheaper, but apples and cottage cheese will rise in price by the same amount, then in general inflation will be zero. However, alcoholics will live better at the same time, and zozhniki worse.

As a rule, the source of data on inflation is an estimate of the cost of the most common goods and services, that is, the consumer basket. And the consumer basket does not take into account, for example, your desire to listen to Yandex.Music without ads and the prices for VPS in a Dutch data center.

The composition of the consumer basket generally raises a number of questions. Not everyone can eat forty-three and a half kilograms of "fresh and sauerkraut" in a year and limit themselves to a kilogram of cookies in the same year.

If you look at the inflation of the cost of housing, it is still more "average". For example, in the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory, no one heard about the price hikes for apartments, but Moscow prices easily beat Bubka's achievements.

Charismatic pole vaulting world champion
Charismatic pole vaulting world champion

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, 4.9% 20214,5 . , .

, , , 105 000 . , .

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100 000 + 4900() + 1684,5() = 106 584

. 0,98% .

. c , . . …

Losses are wages lost due to inflation

- . , 10% .

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, . , - . . , , " " + 35% .

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