Ranking texts by similarity to reference texts using the TF-IDF model in the GENSM implementation

It so happens that the search criteria for texts is too complex to get by with regular expressions. In such cases, ML comes to the rescue. If you choose the most suitable for us from the list of texts, you can find out the similarity of all other texts to this one. Similarity is a numerical measure, the higher - the more the text is similar, so when sorting in descending order by this parameter, we will see the most suitable texts from the selection.

.  http://study.mokoron.com/ csv .  , , . , , pandas :

import pandas as pd
import re
from gensim import corpora,models,similarities
from gensim.utils import tokenize
df = pd.read_csv('positive.csv',sep=";",names = [1,2,3,"text",4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11])[["text"]]

['@first_timee    ,  ,      :D    )',
 ', -     .      :D',
 'RT @KatiaCheh:   )    !!!',
 'RT @digger2912: "        ,    2  ,       " :DD http://t.co/GqG6iuE2…',

– . . , :

regex_queries = [".*",".*",".*",'[^--][^--]'] 
for word in regex_queries:
    df[word] = df["text"].str.count(word,flags=re.IGNORECASE)

.* . [^--] « , ».  regex. str.count pandas , . re.IGNORECASE regex, , .


, , . , « », « », «.*» «.*» , .

doc2bow genism, , , , .

, , « ».  , , . 5 , , .

texts_to_compare = list(df.head(5)["text"])

['@first_timee    ,  ,      :D    )',
 ', -     .      :D',
 'RT @KatiaCheh:   )    !!!',
 'RT @digger2912: "        ,    2  ,       " :DD http://t.co/GqG6iuE2…',
 '@irina_dyshkant     :D\n ,  ,   ,   - :D']

. , . :

  • , «», «», «» . . NLTK

  • . python . , , gensim.

  • , . , . pymystem3 , .

  • , . , «» «». . pymorphy .

def tokenize_in_df(strin):
        return list(tokenize(strin,lowercase=True, deacc=True,))
        return ""
df["tokens"] = df["text"].apply(tokenize_in_df)

array([list(['first_timee', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'd', '', '', '', '']),
       list(['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'd']),
       list(['rt', 'katiacheh', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']),
       list(['rt', 'digger', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'dd', 'http', 't', 'co', 'gqg', 'iue']),
       list(['irina_dyshkant', '', '', '', '', 'd', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'd'])],


gensim.tokenize: lowercase=True, deacc=True.

, :

dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(df["tokens"])
feature_cnt = len(dictionary.token2id)

{'d': 0,
 'first_timee': 1,
 '': 2,
 '': 3,
 '': 4,
 '': 5,
 '': 6,
 '': 7,
 '': 8,
 '': 9,
 '': 10,
 '': 11,
 '': 12,
 '': 13,
 '': 14,
 '': 15,
 '': 16,
 '': 17,
 '': 18,
 '': 19,


. , . , ( bow – bag of words – ). — « : ».

corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in df["tokens"]]

[[(0, 1),
  (1, 1),
  (2, 1),
  (3, 3),
  (4, 1),
  (5, 1),
  (6, 1),
  (7, 1),
  (8, 1),
  (9, 2),
  (10, 1),
  (11, 1),
  (12, 1),
  (13, 1),
  (14, 2),
  (15, 1),
  (16, 1),


, , , , , .

tf-idf. TF-IDF TF — term frequency, IDF — inverse document frequency, . , , .

tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)
index = similarities.SparseMatrixSimilarity(tfidf[corpus],num_features = feature_cnt)

, .

for text in texts_to_compare:
    kw_vector = dictionary.doc2bow(tokenize(text))
    df[text] = index[tfidf[kw_vector]]

, . , , , .

df["sum"] = 0
for text in texts_to_compare:
    df["sum"] = df["sum"]+df[text]
for word in regex_queries:
    df["sum"] = df["sum"]+df[word]/5  

, .

(-0.0022700000000000003, 0.254]    113040
(0.254, 0.508]                       1829
(0.508, 0.762]                         31
(0.762, 1.016]                          7
(1.016, 1.269]                          4

python , excel:

df[df["sum"]>0.250].to_excel(" .xlsx")

Excel, .

, (, , ):

, «», «» «», , .

, texts_to_compare, .


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