What is burnout syndrome and how to deal with it yourself

You've probably heard the expression β€œburned out at work”. Perhaps so they said about you. If the long-awaited rest does not replenish your strength, and the thought of work only causes irritation, you may be experiencing burnout syndrome. 

This is an extremely unpleasant condition in which a person feels moral and physical exhaustion for several months in a row. Work that used to bring pleasure, infuriates and annoys, I do not want to communicate with people. It is very difficult for a person to concentrate on performing their duties. He can disrupt deadlines, not fulfill agreements. At the same time, objectively understand your mistakes, but still do nothing.

Day after day, it seems like the Dementors have arrived and sucked all the joy. Of course, we all have bad days when the blues roll over. But if this state becomes habitual, it's time to think seriously. 

Signs of Emotional Burnout Syndrome (SEB)

Life resembles the quest "I wish I could live until Friday." The man realizes with horror that a new day has come. Already in the morning, he experiences lethargy, apathy and a persistent unwillingness to do anything.

It seems that the whole world is at war with you. Everybody annoys: colleagues, relatives, partner and even a random salesperson in a store. There is a strong feeling that circumstances are always against you.

Frequent colds and illnesses. In the last stages of the CMEA, the body begins to rebel and ask for rest. A person has headaches, he often catches colds and notices a deterioration in vision. 

Negative attitude towards clients and colleagues. The usual request and fair comments are taken with hostility. The person feels that he is not appreciated or respected. He absolutely does not want to delve into work issues, make edits or come up with new ideas. 

The meaninglessness of life. More and more often the question arises in my head: β€œWhy am I doing this?”. What previously brought joy is no longer appreciated. There is a persistent desire to close in a closet, go into the forest and do nothing. 

There is no strength to show emotions. You are too lazy to amuse and entertain yourself, you have absolutely no strength to get angry at the stupidity of your bosses or clients. What used to evoke a response, such as going to a concert or going to the movies, now doesn't evoke any emotions.  

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Sometimes a person cannot resist the system in a particular organization. For example, I had experience working in a company with 14 hour shifts and one day off per week. Working conditions and peculiarities of corporate culture simply physically did not allow to recover. 

After analyzing the situation, I chose to leave. This was a cardinal decision, and, of course, I do not urge anyone to write a leave of absence. But if you feel that you are β€œburning out”, try to make a forecast and figure out: do you have a chance to recover in this particular job? Or is it time to look for something else? 

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