From stained glass windows to terabytes: solving the mysteries of HAMR

HAMR hard drives are already with us!

Seagate announced the start of commercial shipments of HAMR (Thermal Magnetic Recording) (HAMR) hard drives in November 2020, as well as expanded the Mach.2 dual-drive HDD testing program we wrote about earlier . The company is confident that the available technology will enable it to expand capacity and improve hard drive performance in the coming years.

Demand for hard drives is growing among data center operators and exascalers, and they are looking for high-capacity and energy-efficient drives. In the summer of 2020, Seagate began selling 18TB hard drives with nine platters. As new high-capacity HDDs are tested by customers, they will become more and more widely used in data centers. Interestingly, this platform formed the basis for the first 20 TB HAMR hard drives, so the specifications are very similar.

HAMR HDDs are currently available to a limited number of customers through Seagate Lyve enterprise storage and solutions . Later, HAMR hard drives will be available to a wider audience. But the first 20TB HAMR hard drives may not hit the mainstream as Seagate plans to increase capacity by 20% in the near future. Therefore, we can expect a 24-TB HDD to arrive soon . And they could be the first retail HDDs on HAMR.

ยซ , 20- HAMR 2020 . Seagate , โ€” , Seagate. โ€” HAMR 20% , . Seagate SSD, ยป.

, HAMR. Seagate.


(EAMR, energy-assisted magnetic recording) . PMR .

EAMR (HAMR,heat-assisted magnetic recording) (MAMR, microwave-assisted magnetic recording). (Advanced Storage Technology Consortium, ASTC), HAMR , . .


 EAMR  .  ?

, . , 1 0. , . , , .

, , . , : , ? , .

EAMR , . .

MAMR CoPt (-). MAMR , , "", .

HAMR, FePt (-). FePt PMR MAMR. HAMR , . . , , . - , , . ASTC, FePt 30 .

Seagate , HAMR . , . .


, . , . , "1", โ€” "0". , , . , .

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SNR, . . , .

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   (LR, Longitudinal Recording), , . , . โ€” .

, , . , , , . 60 , , .


   (PMR, Perpendicular Magnetic Recording).   , . , . , .


โ€” (SMR, Shingled Magnetic Recording). SMR , . , , . . .

, , - - . , SMR . , SMR . , SMR , "SMR: , ".

SMR HDD. Seagate SMR 2014 , 25 . , PMR SMR. . PMR 1 (Tbpsi). .

FePt (-) PMR . , .

HAMR, , .

- , . , . , .

, "" . , .

HAMR PMR. , NFT (near-field transducer) .


 Seagate   HAMR. .

  •  NFT

  •  NFT 

  •  HAMR

  • ,  HAMR

  • ,  Seagate


. , . Seagate. , !


,    (.  ).  Blu-ray  238 . , . , 100   . - .

. NFT . , . . .

, . . VII . , . , . , .

NFT, Seagate, . NFT . . , . . , . , .

15 Seagate , . HAMR " ". . HAMR 25 . NFT!


, .  HAMR (Disk Substrate) ,    .  HAMR  - (Heat Sink/SUL), . . โ€” , - .  HAMR  . ,    400ยฐC, .

 HAMR  :

Seagate    HAMR, 20- 2020 . , , , . , Seagate   HAMR,  24 .

9 2010  Seagate   Advanced Storage Technology Consortium (ASTC).  Seagate   ASTC.

 ASTC  , , . . .


,  PMR  ,  HDD, SMR  (. Seagate MACH.2 Exos 2X14: ).

 ASTC 2020    ,  HAMR  6,0 Tbpsi (  ).     HAMR   2,77 Tbpsi,  ASTC.

Seagate   HAMR   2,0 Tbpsi.  2,381 Tbpsi,  3 ,  HDD   27  .  HAMR  .  20% , 24- HDD  , 40 .

 HAMR  ,    BPMR (bit patterned media).  Seagate   HDMR (Heated Dot Magnetic Recording), 100 .

 HDMR  ,  Seagate  .

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