What a developer needs to know about working with a designer / designer

The year is 2021, and the time has long come when designers and programmers began to work together on one product. Nowadays, you almost never come across a development team that doesn't have a designer. This was facilitated by the massive relocation of the then “Computer Operators” to graphical interfaces. Operators are now an incredible variety of managers who manage various business processes in their organizations - from documenting to managing machines to assembly equipment.

A brief history of graphical interfaces

Since the beginning of the 70s, interfaces have undergone many changes - this is directly related to the methods of entering information into computers. At first, these were levers and toggle switches (by the type of radio and TV control), there were joysticks, manipulators, then keyboards and mice appeared, now new input methods appear in the form of motion capture by a camera and neurointerfaces.

With the advent of keyboards, methods of textual input of commands into computers were invented - that is, a person simply wrote in a predetermined format what he needed from the machine and it gave him the result. This went on for a long time, affordable computers came to the company, and people who are engaged in paperwork began to be massively transferred to computers.

In 1983, the first graphical interface for computer control appeared - it was a windowed interface, which in a fundamentally different way offered the user to solve his problems. Since that time, it was necessary to enter fewer text commands, and more and more to click on buttons. It became easier and faster for an ordinary user to work.

In 2021, text-based interfaces are still used, but almost all of them are needed for a very narrow circle of users, everyone else uses graphical interfaces. This implies the need for companies to hire not only developers, but also designers of user interfaces.

The face of a modern designer

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- UX (user experience) , , , , , . , , , , , , .


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UX - , , . UX , - , , . , UX - , . Linux - LXQT, LibreOffice - , , - MSOffic, GoogleDocs.

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For example, let's take a task - you need to make a product card that has many parameters (configuration options, colors, etc.) of the product, photo, price and quantity of the product in stock. The development department receives a task, the manager assigns tasks to specialists, and work begins. You can give the designer a JSON object that contains all the necessary fields - and at the output from the designer you can expect an interface with the structure and data set you need.


If the article turns out to be interesting, and, if possible, useful, then I will gladly write a series of articles on how to make development and design friends.

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