How to restore NSX Edge and transfer its settings via API

This article will show you how to work through the API with NSX Edge. This solution from VMware performs routing, Firewall, NAT, DHCP, VPN and others functions for a virtual data center. API capabilities make sending requests to Edge easier and more intuitive than using the command line. 

The method described here also solves some of the problems of accessing Edge through vCloud Director. When working through the API, we have the opportunity to work with Edge directly through NSX or through vCloud Director, and also use the API to access the vCloud Director database. I'll show you both options. 

Here are the most interesting scenarios when using the API is useful:

  1. Migrating Edge to another NSX manager.

  2. Restoring Edge or part of its settings. For example, if after migrating from one data center to another, we also transfer the settings of the firewall, VPN, load balancer, etc. 

  3. Backup settings. For example, if we want to save the Edge configuration in XML format and revert to it if necessary. 

In the description, I use NSX-V 6.4.6 and vCloud Director 10.2, but the article is relevant for other software versions as well. For all experiments, I used the API documentation from here .

Preparing a tool for working with API

API . Postman: API . VMware API, .


GET – , .

POST – .

PUT – , .


, Postman NSX-, Edge.

  1. Postman . Basic Auth, . 

  2. . Content-Type: application/xml

  3. Edge GET https://nsx-fqdn/api/4.0/edges ( nsx-fqdn – IP- FQDN NSX-).

200 , , : , .

Edge . , .


, API. 

, 2 NSX-,   ,

NSX- nsx-fqdn-1,   NSX-manager nsx-fqdn-2. , - edge-8 , .

  1. Edge NSX. , FQDN NSX-.

    GET https://nsx-fqdn-2/api/4.0/edges/edge-8

  2. . , . 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <name>vse-test-delete-edge (877a6842-8a67-4dad-87cf-81e155c45763)</name>
                <resourcePoolName>System vDC (c8a308dd-2509-48ad-ab8e-54e93938394d)</resourcePoolName>
                <vmFolderName>Service VMs</vmFolderName>
                <vmName>vse-test-delete-edge (877a6842-8a67-4dad-87cf-81e155c45763)-0</vmName>
                    <name>System vDC (c8a308dd-2509-48ad-ab8e-54e93938394d)</name>
                    <name>Service VMs</name>
    This computer system is the private property of its owner, whether
    individual, corporate or government.  It is for authorized use only.
    Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit
    expectation of privacy.
    Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be
    intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and
    disclosed to your employer, to authorized site, government, and law
    enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of government
    agencies, both domestic and foreign.
    By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring,
    recording, copying, auditing, inspection, and disclosure at the
    discretion of such personnel or officials.  Unauthorized or improper use
    of this system may result in civil and criminal penalties and
    administrative or disciplinary action, as appropriate. By continuing to
    use this system you indicate your awareness of and consent to these terms
    and conditions of use. LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree to the
    conditions stated in this warning.
                        <name>default rule for ingress traffic</name>
                        <description>default rule for ingress traffic</description>

  3. XML Edge. :

    • <id>edge-8</id>

    • <name> </name>, Edge .

    • ,



    • <password> </password> Edge  <userName> <sshLoginBannerText>, :


    • NAT   ruleId, ruleTag, ruleType, :


  4. XML Edge. Body XML, raw XML . 

    POST https://nsx-fqdn-1/api/4.0/edges/

Edge edge-9


  1. , NAT. , Edge . <nat>. , NAT- :

    GET https://nsx-fqdn-1/api/4.0/edges/edge-9/nat/config

  2. NAT POST-.   ruleId, ruleTag, ruleType, :


    POST https://nsx-fqdn-1/api/4.0/edges/edge-9/nat/config/rules



  3. , NAT POST- , .

    , :

(firewall, vpn, load balancer ). XML . 

API vCloud Director. Edge API. Edge vCloud Director’, NSX-, edge-8 vCenter, . Edge id, vCloud Director .   vCloud Director . , vCloud Director id c edge-8 edge-9.

  1. gateway, id:

    select * from gateway where name like 'test-delete-edge%'


    -- id=' 877a6842-8a67-4dad-87cf-81e155c45763 ' --name=' test-delete-edge' --backing-ref='edge-8'

  2. , Edge:

    select * from global_search('edge-8')

  3. , Edge: 

    select * from gateway where id = '877a6842-8a67-4dad-87cf-81e155c45763'

  4. id Edge , .

    update gateway set backing_ref = 'edge-9' where id = '877a6842-8a67-4dad-87cf-81e155c45763'

  5. Edge vCloud Director.



Edge vCloud Director, Postman . API vCloud Director :

  1. Postman.

  2. :

    Autorization: Basic Auth - administrator@system

  3. GET https://vCD-fqdn/api/versions

    , api.

  4. :

    Accept application/*+xml;version=35.0

  5. . POST https://vCD-fqdn/api/sessions



  7. GET https://vCD-fqdn/api/admin, , .

  8. Powershell connect-ciserver vCD-fqdn

    : Get-OrgVdc OrgVDCName| Get-EdgeGateway EdgeName


    Href: https://vCD-fqdn/api/admin/edgeGateway/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. Postman :

    GET https://vCD-fqdn/api/admin/edgeGateway/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. . “”:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    …   ,     


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                            <Interface href="https://fqdn-vcd/api/admin/network/xxxxxx" name="network" type="application/"/>

    Edge , <Interface/> Edge Edge, :

    <Interface href="https://fqdn-vcd/api/admin/network/xxxxxx" name="network" type="application/"/>

  11. POST-.  XML Body raw Edge.  content-type application/vnd.vmware.admin.edgeGatewayServiceConfiguration+xml

    Edge, url /action/configureServices, :

    POST https://vCD-fqdn/api/admin/edgeGateway/XXXX/action/configureServices


. XML Edge , api. – vCloud Director, . , , .

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