The Linux battle in the Windows arena


Have you noticed that over 20 years the share of Linux systems in the Desktop market (home systems and laptops) has not stepped over 10%, and has been hovering around 5-7% all the time?

I just thought about it and began to delve into the history of Linux development, and did not notice anything strange.

Linus Torvalds created the kernel, Richard Stallman software and the license, the system evolved and gained popularity. So what's stopping you?

Marketing? No, the product is free, "I don't want to take it". 

? . - . .. . .  ( Linux .)

. , Microsoft Windows.

 Microsoft Windows . Windows 2.0, Windows ME, Win Vista, Win 8.0/8.1 ( 8.1)

, Microsoft , , . , , - . .

- Windows. , . DirectX.   Adobe Windows MacOS.  . Microsoft  .


Windows Linux?

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  1. ( ! ) /. . 90% Windows. ( Β« 2Β»)

  2. . . , . :

  • 1 - . Windows, Windows. . , .

  • 2 - .. / , Ubuntu FreeDOS. , . . Windows , .

  • 3 - , Linux Mint , KDE Neon.  , .

3 , . , .

, 2 3 Windows. , 7, 10. ,  Windows Windows.  . , .


Linux, , , . , Β« , Β». , , .  .

Ubuntu Gnome3, XFCE, MATE, Unity, , .  . Cinnamon KDE. , .

Windows , , ( 3) Ubuntu 20.04 Gnome 3. ():

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- Ubuntu, .

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  • Windows.

  • Ubuntu, Windows , YouTube ..

, Ubuntu Windows.

, Linux , ,   .


Windows Linux. .

- . ,, 10. Win 7, , , .  , , . , 7 Kde neon. , . , , . , , , . Windows, , - - . 




It's like "Turning the wrong way", someone gets in by accident, and someone deliberately gets into this gloomy and scary world (no). 

And in order to get into this world consciously, you need curiosity, thirst for novelty, patience and the ability to overcome difficulties. And this is not inherent in all ordinary PC users.

This is another layer of people. Advanced users.

Best of all, the difference between an ordinary user and an advanced one was described in this article, also with Habr. My thoughts on the differences between these people, I will describe in the next article.

Any constructive criticism is welcome.

Thanks for reading.

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