Benchmark Prometheus vs VictoriaMetrics on node_exporter metrics

For future students of the course "DevOps Practices and Tools" we prepared a translation of interesting material.

We also invite everyone to participate in the
open webinar “Prometheus: Quick Start”. During the lesson, participants will consider the Prometheus architecture and how it works with metrics, as well as how to generate alerts and events in the system.

Recently VictoriaMetrics introduced the ability to scrap Prometheus targets . And now we can compare apples to apples: how many resources are used by Prometheus and VictoriaMetrics when scraping large amounts node_exporter


Benchmark setup

Testing was carried out in Google Compute Engine on four machines (instances):

  • node exporter v1.0.1 . e2-standard-4 : 4 vCPU, 16 RAM, 1 HDD. , node_exporter

    . Prometheus VictoriaMetrics node_exporter

    . node_exporter

    nginx . node_exporter

    , .

  • e2-highmem-4 Prometheus v2.22.2 VictoriaMetrics v1.47.0 : 4 vCPU, 32 RAM, 1 . VictoriaMetrics, Prometheus , (-promscrape.config = prometheus.yml

    VictoriaMetrics -config.file = prometheus.yml

    Prometheus). prometheus.yml


  scrape_interval: 10s
  - job_name: node_exporter
{% for n in range(3400) %}
      - targets: ['host-node-{{n}}:9100']
          host_number: cfg_{{n}}
          role: node-exporter
          env: prod
{% endfor %}



. /etc/hosts

. 3400 node_exporter


  • e2-standard-2 VictoriaMetrics Prometheus. VictoriaMetrics , node_exporter

    VictoriaMetrics Prometheus. .



  • node_exporter

    — , Prometheus.

  • node_exporter

    ( , , -, . .), Prometheus .

VictoriaMetrics, Prometheus nodeexporter . 24 . 

VictoriaMetrics Prometheus :

  • (ingestion rate): 280 . / .

  • (active time series): 2,8

  • (samples scraped and stored): 24,5


Disk space usage.

Prometheus 15 , VictoriaMetrics — . VictoriaMetrics 4 . :

  • VictoriaMetrics: 7,2 . 0,3 (7,2 / 24,5 ).

  • Prometheus: 52,3 (32,3 + 18 WAL). 52,3 / 24,5 = 2,1 . , Prometheus 7 (2,1 / 0,3) .


Disk I / O: Bytes written per second.
-: , .
Disk I / O: Bytes read per second.
-: , .

, Prometheus 95 / , VictoriaMetrics 15 /.


CPU usage, vCPU cores.
  • 3400 node_exporter

    1,5–1,75 vCPU. , vCPU   4000 node_exporter


  • . VictoriaMetrics , OOM (out of memory

    ) Prometheus. ( ) VictoriaMetrics .


Using RSS memory.

VictoriaMetrics 4,3 RSS-, Prometheus 6,5 14 23 . OOM , Kubernetes Prometheus. , 32 , . , Prometheus , , - OOM, .

, Prometheus 5,3 (23 / 4,3 ) , VictoriaMetrics.

Prometheus, VictoriaMetrics vCPU. , InfluxDB TimescaleDB.

VictoriaMetrics 5 7 Prometheus node_exporter

. .

P.S. VictoriaMetrics, . VictoriaMetrics ( ). , .

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