How to effectively recruit a million referrals using an affiliate link?

Hello! The question of how to attract referrals worries many who want to achieve high passive income on the Internet. This process takes persistence, patience and some knowledge. After reading the title, you probably thought that there will be a tutorial or cases. No, there will be a drain here. Drainage of people living according to the principle "I am looking for a decent job, but not to be associated with work."

Any process sooner or later intersects with issues of ethics and common sense. For example, the sensational "crimes of the century" about the mining of cryptocurrencies at the facilities of the enterprise. Some miners saved on hardware by using the hardware of their place of work. Someone installed equipment (farms) specially designed for this task in garages, or even in chicken coops. Cheap? Yes, with free electricity. But you can get burned.

But it could have been done differently: chicken manure can be processed into biodiesel, and it can be used to generate that very free electricity, so necessary for mining. In winter, the chicken coop is heated by video cards, so you can raise egg production. But for this all you need to learn physics, and not at school. You need some kind of professional knowledge. But what if we didn’t teach physics, but completed a 3-month course and received a programmer diploma?

There is such a private office in the hero-city of Odessa called "Infoxvodokanal". It was formed by transferring the Odesvodokanal communal enterprise, artificially reduced to a deplorable state, into the hands of a private structure OJSC Infox for 49 years in December 2003 for some ridiculous price. Let's leave outside the scope of this note that for this reason the monopolist for the supply of water in the city with a population of one million was under the control of the oligarch, who later occupied fat positions in the government. But we don't get into politics. The office itself regularly does only two things in the city: it raises tariffs for water supply and sometimes draws fictitious debts to subscribers, for which it then tries to make nerves. In January during the lockdown,the office drove its inspectors around the area in order to enter the apartment and see the meter readings.

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Do not read black, they wrapped the herring there


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What to expect in the next episode of this series? Selling a database of personal data with addresses, or maybe a complete database of bank card numbers used to pay for water at once? Not. It is better to return the water utility to the ownership of the city on time.

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