Mysterious empathy: how to develop it

In the two previous articles, I talked about the similarities between the goals and tools of a team lead and a psychologist, and why a team lead should use these tools . Today I'll tell you more about empathy and how you can develop it in yourself.

A Few Facts About Empathy

Empathy can be emotional , when you experience internally, feel what the other is feeling, and cognitive , when you remember yourself in a similar situation, your emotions and feelings, and you can assume what this person is feeling now.

Empathy doesn't make you kind, understanding, and accepting. Rather, she makes you an adult, takes off your rose-colored glasses. You understand the feelings of other people and how you are with these feelings, how you yourself feel about this topic. 

And finally, empathy rocks emotional intelligence. Reading books on emotional intelligence is great, but even better is exercising.

There are 3 positions in relation to empathy. 

1. "Empathy is an important mechanism, I use it / try to use it."

This position is close to me.

2. “What kind of empathy, what am I to them, mom? Am I going to ask how they are doing? I set a task for them, and they must fulfill it. And what is happening there, does not concern me at all. " 

With this position, it is inherent in us to set the task and leave. People are perceived as resources. The position is closer to me when you see people in people and know how to interact with them and highlight what is important to them, what motivates them. Where you need to slightly soften the "ardor", and where, on the contrary, "ignite". Then the work turns out to be built more efficiently and efficiently. 

3. “Actually, there are people without empathy. Maybe I am. Maybe I don't have empathy. " 

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Take care of yourself!

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