How to pass the MB-200

The MB-200 exam is aimed at assessing knowledge of the Microsoft Power Platform and the basics of Microsoft Dynamics 365. Although, you cannot call it basic knowledge at all: some of the exam questions are aimed at revealing a deep understanding of certain settings.

How did I prepare for the exam?

  1. Passed the courses that are offered on the exam page

    , PowerPlatform Dynamics ( , ), . , , Power Platform.

  2. . : ) , ) . , , , .

  3. :

  • , ;

  • Access Team;

  • Azure Pipelines;

  • Build Tools;

  • SolutionPackager;

  • Dynamics;

  • Troubleshooting;

  • Excel Dynamics;

  • Excel Dynamics;

  • ;

  • Duplicate detection rules;

  • ;

  • Mapping Fields;

  • Gamification;

  • ;

  • IFRAME -;

  • ;

  • How to add or remove users from the sandbox ;

  • Setting up integration with OneNote ;

  • Configuring integration with Exchange Server ;

  • Customize the visibility of buttons for different users;

  • Setting up integration with OneDrive .

On average, after six months of working with Dynamics, preparing for this exam took me a week in a relaxed mode: three hours a day. The most effective was the process of parsing questions published on the website

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