What does reality mean?

This article is from the cycle, you may have missed something.

This article is part of the series " Entertaining Cartography ( A Brief Introduction to Rationality) "

Can all cards be correct?

The territory and the map depicting it are different things. The map is made of pulp, but the territory is not. But why should we separate reality and our ideas about it? Isn't it the same thing? It seems not. But let's see where these ideas come from.

Here's an example of reasoning on this topic:

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Thus, reality is something that occurs regardless of our predictions (we will return to this issue in the article "The influence of the map on the territory"). Reality is what happens, whether we assume it or not. If the forecast matches reality, then the Map appears to be accurate. If you are constantly surprised at strange objects in the area around you, perhaps the objects are normal, just your map is not accurate.

But where do these same cards come from? How do we draw them? We will talk about this in the next article.

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