This tutorial demonstrates a sample solution for collecting, tracking, and sharing pulse oximetry data for multiple users. It is built using AWS serverless technologies for reliable scalability and security. The external application is written in VueJS and uses the Amplify Framework . Oxygen saturation measurements are performed manually or using a BerryMed pulse oximeter connected to a browser via the Internet via Bluetooth .
, , AWS (AWS SAM). - REST API Amazon API Gateway , AWS Lambda . Python - Amazon DynamoDB . Amazon Cognito .
: . Amplify CLI Amazon Cognito - . Amazon Cognito API. , .
. , , AWS Cloud9 IDE. AWS Cloud9, , .
Amplify CLI, .
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
amplify configure
GitHub .
git clone
ampify-frontend Amplify CLI. .
cd aws-serverless-oxygen-monitor-web-bluetooth/amplify-frontend amplify init
AWS Amplify CLI.
amplify push
aws_userpools_id src / aws-exports.js . .
aws_userpools_id UserPoolID .
Deploy () .
API endpoint ( API), .
ampify-frontend / src / api-config.js . API .
const apiConfig = { “endpoint”: “<API ENDPOINT>” }; export default apiConfig;
cd aws-serverless-oxygen-monitor-web-bluetooth/amplify-frontend npm install npm run serve
, :
amplify publish
URL- .
, , .
. . , .
BerryMed , . « », . Bluetooth Chrome Android.
Bluetooth Bluetooth, "Enter Manually" ( ) .
, . , DynamoDB. , .
, , . , . .
, , .
GitHub serverless-backend / AWS SAM Lambda . API, - DynamoDB. Amazon Cognito API, ¨UserPoolID¨, :
JWT, . DynamoDB, , .
. , AddLevels, "" DynamoDB.
FetchLevels . FetchSharedUserLevels Access Table, , .
. , ManageAccess , . Access Table, . .
GetSharedUsers , . . FetchUsersWithAccess , , , .
DynamoDB AWS SAM , . - . . , DynamoDB.
LevelsTable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: "username" AttributeType: "S" - AttributeName: "timestamp" AttributeType: "N" KeySchema: - AttributeName: username KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: timestamp KeyType: RANGE ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: "5" WriteCapacityUnits: "5" SharedAccessTable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: "username" AttributeType: "S" - AttributeName: "shared_user" AttributeType: "S" KeySchema: - AttributeName: username KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: shared_user KeyType: RANGE ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: "5" WriteCapacityUnits: "5"
GitHub ampify-frontend / src / . main.js Amplify VueJS , aws-exports.js. , api-config.js.
components/OxygenMonitor.vue API API.
API Vue, .
/ConnectDevice.vue, Bluetooth Web - . UUID Bluetooth , BerryMed. Bluetooth, .
handleData . .
OxygenMonitor ConnectDevice . .
Vue .
, , Amplify Framework .
Remote monitoring of patient vital signs is more relevant than ever. This guide demonstrates a personal health and telemedicine application solution. The complete solution includes multi-user functionality and a secure and scalable serverless server. The app uses a browser to interact with a physical device to measure oxygen saturation and heart rate. It publishes measurements to a database using a serverless API. Historical data can be displayed as a trend chart and can also be accessed by other users.