Converting a number to a string using FPU

Every person who is fond of programming is obliged to write his own version of the solution to this problem. I decided to be no exception.

In accordance with, x64 software conventions

we will assume that the number to be converted is located in XMM0


We will use x64

bit code for x32

bit addressing. This way of addressing allows you to take advantage of both dialects.

Save the stack value and create a paragraph-aligned data point to improve performance:

	mov    r9d, esp
	lea    r8d,[r9d - 70h]
	and    r8d, 0FFFFFFF0h
	mov    esp, r8d

We prepare it by FPU

freeing it from data and set the increased accuracy and rounding to zero:

	fsave [esp]
	mov  dword ptr[esp - dword], 037F0F7Fh
	fldcw         [esp - dword]

We overload the number from XMM0

to FPU


	movd qword ptr[esp - xmmword], xmm0
	fld  qword ptr[esp - xmmword]

Find the decimal order of the Number:

	fld     st(0)
	fst     st(1)
	fdivr   st(0),st(2)

Set rounding to the nearest number:

	fldcw	[esp - word]

We preserve the order of the Number and find the decimal order of the Multiplier for converting the significant digits of the Number to the integer part:

	fist      dword ptr[esp - dword]
	movzx edx, word ptr[esp - dword]
	mov       dword ptr[esp - dword], 10h
	fisubr    dword ptr[esp - dword]

Find the decimal Multiplier and multiply it by the Number:

	fmulp   st(1),st(0)
	fst     st(1)
	fsub    st(1),st(0)
	fstp    st(1)
	fmulp   st(2),st(0)
	faddp   st(1),st(0)
	fmulp   st(1),st(0)

We reload the resulting number from FPU

into registers AX

and XMM0

in the size of the first 2 and 8 subsequent bytes, respectively. When loading 8 bytes into a register, XMM0

we simultaneously change the order of the bytes by pre-aligning the stack pointer by the paragraph:

	fbstp           tbyte ptr[esp - xmmword]
	mov       ax,    word ptr[esp -   qword]
	pshuflw xmm0, xmmword ptr[esp - xmmword], 00011011b

We restore the state FPU


	frstor [esp]



	punpcklbw xmm0, xmm0
	pshuflw   xmm0, xmm0, 10110001b
	pshufhw   xmm0, xmm0, 10110001b


	mov            dword ptr[esp], 0FF00FF0h
	pshufd xmm1, xmmword ptr[esp], 0
	pand   xmm0, xmm1
	psrlw  xmm1, 4
	movdqa xmm2, xmm1
	pand   xmm1, xmm0
	psrlw  xmm1, 4
	pandn  xmm2, xmm0
	paddb  xmm1, xmm2


	pxor    xmm0, xmm0
	pcmpeqb xmm0, xmm1


	mov            dword ptr[esp], 30303030h
	pshufd xmm2, xmmword ptr[esp], 0
	paddb  xmm1, xmm2


	mov  byte ptr[esp],'-'
	btr             ax, 0Fh
	adc            esp, 0
	add             ax,'.0'
	mov  word ptr[esp], ax



	movdqu	      xmmword ptr[esp + word], xmm1
	pmovmskb ecx, xmm0
	bsf      ecx, ecx
	add      esp, ecx


	mov    ecx,(word + dword)
	mov    eax, edx
	neg     dx
	jnc     @f
	cmovns eax, edx
	setns   dh


	cmp   ax, 0Ah
	sbb  ecx, ecx
	mov   dl, 0Ah
	div   dl
	cmp   al, 0Ah
	sbb  ecx, 0
	shl  eax, 8
	shr   ax, 8
	div   dl
	add eax, 303030h
	lea edx,[edx * 2 + 2B51h]
	mov dword ptr[esp + word + ecx + word], eax
	mov  word ptr[esp + word], dx




@@:	lea ecx,[esp + ecx + qword]
	sub ecx, r8d
  mov eax,ecx




	movdqa xmm1, xmmword ptr[r8d]
	movdqa xmm2, xmmword ptr[r8d + xmmword]


	mov esp, r9d


/ . x64 software conventions


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