.Net interview cheat sheet

Below is not a tutorial, but only a cheat sheet for developers already familiar with the basics of C # .Net.

The cheat sheet contains only "base" questions. Questions like "how would you design ...", "which application layers ..." are not included in the cheat sheet. As noted in the comments, the questions are more likely for Jun, nevertheless, they are asked at middles interviews.

Code formatting

In the examples, for brevity, the opening parenthesis {is not on a new line. The interviewer may be confused because in C # it is customary to put {on a new line. Therefore, it is better to use common formatting during the interview.

stack and heap, value type and reference type

  • reference type (example class, interface) are stored in a large heap

  • value type (example int, struct, references to instances of reference type) are stored in the fast stack

  • when assigning (passing to a method) value types are copied, reference types are passed by reference (see the struct section below)


  • value type => when assigned (passed to the method) all fields and properties are copied, cannot be null

  • no inheritance

  • supports interfaces

  • if there is a constructor, all fields and properties must be set in it

interface IMyInterface {
    int Property { get; set; }

struct MyStruc : IMyInterface {
    public int Field;
    public int Property { get; set; }

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        var ms = new MyStruc { 
            Field = 1,
            Property = 2
      	//     value type ,
        // ==> ms.Property = 2;

      	//   boxing ( )
        IMyInterface msInterface = new MyStruc {
            Field = 1,
            Property = 2
      	//      object (reference type)
      	//      ,    msInterface
        // ==> ms.Property = 3;

    static void TryChange(IMyInterface myStruc) {
        myStruc.Property = 3;

DateTime is a struct, so it's pointless to check fields of type DateTime for null:

class MyClass {
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }

var mc = new MyClass();
//  false, 
// .. DateTime  struct (value type)    null
var isDate = mc.Date == null;

boxing / unboxing

// boxing (value type, stack -> object, heap)
int i = 123;
object o = i;

// unboxing (object, heap -> value type, stack)
object o = 123;
var i = (int)o;

//  boxing
int i = 123;
object o = i;
i = 456;
//  ==> .. i, o     
//  i = 456
//  o = 123

//       boxing
IMyInterface myInterface = new MyStruct(2);

// boxing i
int i = 2;
string s = "str" + i;
// ..  String.Concat(object? arg0, object? arg1)

// unboxing, .. Session Dictionary<string, object>
int i = (int)Session["key"];


  • heap reference type

  • ( ) value type

string a = "hello";
string b = "hello";

// string    value type  
// (   ==  )
Console.WriteLine(a == b);
// ==> true

var mc1 = new MyClass { Property = 1 };
var mc2 = new MyClass { Property = 2 };
//   reference type 
//           heap
Console.WriteLine(mc1 == mc2);
// ==> false

const vs readonly

  • const - =>

  • readonly -

class MyClass {
    public const string Const = "some1";
    public readonly string Field = "some2";

var cl = new MyClass();

Program after compilation.  The compiler substituted the const value.
. const.

- dll , :

The const value in the library is different from that used in the main project.
const .

ref out

  • ref out new class struct

  • out ref, ,

struct MyStruc {
    public int Field;

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        var ms = new MyStruc { Field = 1 };
        // ==> ms.Field = 1

        var ms2 = new MyStruc { Field = 1 };
        createNew2(ref ms2);
      	// ==> ms2.Field = 2

    static void createNew(MyStruc myStruc) {
        myStruc = new MyStruc { Field = 2 };

    static void createNew2(ref MyStruc myStruc) {
        myStruc = new MyStruc { Field = 2 };

    static void createNew3(out MyStruc myStruc) {
        //  , 
        //    myStruc = new


interface IAnimal { }
class Cat : IAnimal {
    public void Meow() { }
class Dog : IAnimal {
    public void Woof() { }

//  , List - 
//  ,    List   Add,
//     (  . )
List<IAnimal> animals = new List<Cat>();

// , IEnumerable - 
//  IEnumerable     
IEnumerable<IAnimal> lst = new List<Cat>();

Add List:


List<Cat> cats = new List<Cat>();
cats.Add(new Cat());
List<Cat> animals = cats;
animals.Add(new Cat());

foreach (var cat in cats) {
    cat.Meow(); //  cats 2 


List<Cat> cats = new List<Cat>();
cats.Add(new Cat());
List<IAnimal> animals = cats;
animals.Add(new Dog()); //   ,  :

foreach (var cat in cats) {
    cat.Meow(); //  cats 1   1 ,     Meow()


  • ToString

  • GetType

  • Equals

  • GetHashCode

ToString GetType .

Equals GetHashCode , linq, . , .. .Net. hash .

GetHashCode .


class MyClass {
    public event Action<string> Evt;
    public void FireEvt() {
        if (Evt != null)

        // Evt("hello") -     
        //foreach (var ev in Evt.GetInvocationList())
        //    ev.DynamicInvoke("hello");

    public void ClearEvt() {
        //       MyClass
        Evt = null;

var cl = new MyClass();

cl.Evt += (msg) => Console.WriteLine($"1 {msg}");
cl.Evt += (msg) => Console.WriteLine($"2 {msg}");

Action<string> handler = (msg) => Console.WriteLine($"3 {msg}");
cl.Evt += handler;
cl.Evt -= handler;

// ==> 
//  1 hello
//  2 hello

//     "+="   "-="
//       MyClass
cl.Evt = null;

Finalizer (destructor) ~

  • garbage collector

  • .Net,

  • struct

  • finalizer: IDisposable. Dispose finalizer, Dispose. finalizer .

throw vs "throw ex"

try {
} catch (Exception ex) {

    //  , ..   CallStack

    //  CallStack
    throw ex;

Garbage collector

. heap , , . Garbage collector. :

  • ( ) -

  • heap

  • (Generation 0) - , . Generation 0.

  • - Generation 1.

  • Generation 0 , . - Generation 1.

  • , 2 - Generation 2.

  • Derived.Static.Fields

  • Derived.Static.Constructor

  • Derived.Instance.Fields

  • Base.Static.Fields

  • Base.Static.Constructor

  • Base.Instance.Fields

  • Base.Instance.Constructor

  • Derived.Instance.Constructor

class Parent {
    public Parent() {
      	//   virtual  
    protected virtual void DoSomething() {

class Child : Parent {
    private string foo;
    public Child() {
        foo = "HELLO";
    protected override void DoSomething() {
        Console.WriteLine(foo.ToLower()); //NullReferenceException

( , ), . (, , ) - . vs vs .

  • -

  • -

  • - , , )

  • -


  • Single responsibility - , , God-object

  • Open closed principle -

  • Liskov substitution -

  • Interface segregation principle -

  • Dependency inversion principle - , ,


  • (: )

  • (: )

  • (: )

  • IDisposable, try, catch, finally

  • singleton ( lock)

  • (mutex, semaphore ..)

  • / . : . , . . ? ( )?


Stack and heap – .NET data structures

Boxing and Unboxing (C# Programming Guide)

Built-in reference types (C # reference)

Covariance and contravariance in generics

C # variance problem: Assigning List as List

Finalizers (C # Programming Guide)

Destructors in real world applications?

Virtual member call in a constructor

Inheritance vs Composition vs Aggregation

Fundamentals of garbage collection

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