Knockin 'on Heaven, or FSM on Templates

Hello! My name is Alexander, I work as a microcontroller software engineer.

I write in C / C ++, and I prefer the pluses, because I believe in their evolutionary inevitability in embedded.

The world of embedded software, the C ++ language is dynamically developing, so it is important for developers to keep up and keep their skills and developments up to date.

I try to follow this obvious message, since the celestials, the leading C ++ programmers and consultants generously share their experience and ideas on different platforms (for example, here , or here ).

Some time ago I watched a powerful talk by Sergei Fedorov about building a finite state machine with a transition table on templates.

If suddenly: "what is a state machine?"

A finite state machine, or FSM (finite state machine), is one of the most demanded and popular techniques in MC programming. At the time of the brief and practical guide to cooking FSM I went to the abandoned , the land .

One of the ideas of the report is to define states, events and actions through custom types, and implement the transition table through a template parameter, I am very

// Transition table definition

using transitions =
  /*  State       Event       Next       */
  tr< initial,    start,      running    >,
  tr< running,    stop,       terminated >>;

// State machine object
using minimal = state_machine<transitions>;
minimal fsm;

//...and then call

And if we add to this the transfer of a part of the code functionality to the compile time, the thread safety declared by the author, the expressiveness, code readability and build speed improved in comparison with Boost :: MSM, the header only model of the library, then I decided to take it.

Here are just an attempt to build and run even the simplest example on STM-ke ended with the compiler's foul language: "cannot use 'typeid' with" -fno-rtti "and" exception handling disabled ".

, . , RTTI , -fno-cxa-atexit, -fno-threadsafe-static. --specs=nano.specs ( ++ newlib-nano), --specs=nosys.specs ( ).


Embedded , :

  • ;

  • ;

  • main

++ , .

++ bare metal . .

, , - . , typeid exceptions, - too much.

, , RTTI, throw .

. gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update -O3, 200.

, - " ".

, STM, 1, , , , , .

, , . , - " " - extra light embedded FSM .


  • , .

  • header only

, , - .

- , . , .


struct StateBase{};

template <base_t N, typename Action = void>
struct State : StateBase{
  static constexpr base_t idx = N;
  using action_t = Action;

base_t - , . unsigned int.

- , , - , action_t.

idx .

struct EventBase{};

template <base_t N>
struct Event : EventBase{
  static constexpr base_t idx = N;

, .


struct action{
  void operator()(void){
    // do something

, operator() , .


enum class Guard : base_t{

- , /transition-a. , . . , , , . Up to you.

, . .


struct TrBase{};

template <typename Source,
          typename Event,
          typename Target,
          typename Action,
          Guard G,
          class =
          std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<StateBase, Source>&&
          std::is_base_of_v<EventBase, Event> &&
          std::is_base_of_v<StateBase, Target>>
struct Tr : TrBase{
  using source_t = Source;
  using event_t  = Event;
  using target_t = Target;
  using action_t = Action;
  static constexpr Guard guard = G;

Tr . - Source, Event, Target, Guard.

. .


Transition table
struct TransitionTableBase{};

template<typename... T>
struct TransitionTable : TransitionTableBase{
  using test_t = typename NoDuplicates<Collection<T...>>::Result;
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<test_t, Collection<T...>>,
                "Repeated transitions");
  using transition_p = type_pack<T...>;
  using state_collection = typename NoDuplicates 
  <Collection<typename T::source_t... ,typename T::target_t...>
  using event_collection = typename NoDuplicates
  <Collection<typename T::event_t...>
  using state_v = decltype(get_var(state_collection{}));
  using event_v = decltype(get_var(event_collection{}));
  using transition_v = std::variant<T...>;

, , . , .

TransitionTable /transition-, .

, . NoDuplicates Loki. test_t static_assert-e .

, static_assert , type_pack transition_p. type_pack, typelist.h. .

transition_p StateMachine.

, , . alias- state_collection event_collection .


- , , , .

std::variant ( ).

std::variant ( transition_v); state_v event_v .

. transition_v std::variant variadic pack (T...) TransitionTable.

state_v event_v

template<typename... Types>
constexpr auto get_var (th::Collection<Types...>){
	return std::variant<Types...>{};

StateMachine , .

- .

StateMachine , , .

template<typename Table>
class StateMachine{

//other stuff

using map_type =
std::unordered_map < Key, transition_v, KeyHash, KeyEqual>;

Key key;
map_type transitions;

, . Unordered - . , , , .

Key :

struct Key{
  base_t state_idx = 0;
  base_t event_idx = 0;

idx . , . typeid _cxa_demangle , , RTTI.

template<typename Table>
class StateMachine{

//other stuff


using queue_type =
  RingBufferPO2 <EVENT_STACK_SIZE, event_v, Atomic>;
  queue_type events;

events - , . , . RingBufferPO2, ( !).

, StateMachine /state /guard:

state and guard
template<typename Table>
class StateMachine{

//other stuff


state_v current_state;
Guard guard = Guard::OFF;


template<typename Table>
class StateMachine{


using transition_pack = typename Table::transition_p;


// other stuff

set , , , transitions, :

template <class... Ts>
void set (type_pack<Ts...>){
	(set_impl(just_type<Ts>{}), ...);

template <typename T>
void set_impl (just_type<T> t){

	using transition = typename decltype(t)::type;

	using state_t = typename transition::source_t;
	using event_t = typename transition::event_t;
	Guard g = transition::guard;

	Key k;

	k.state_idx = state_t::idx;
	k.event_idx = event_t::idx;

	transitions.insert( {k, transition{}} );

	if (0 == key.state_idx) {

		key.state_idx = k.state_idx;
		guard = g;
		current_state = state_t{};


, StateMachine , - .


  • : /state, /event, /action, /guard

  • /transition, source state, event, target state, guard.

  • . /transition-, .

  • TransitionTable, std::variant - , , StateMachine , .

(): , (idx), Key, transitions , , , , , /().

API , .

: fsm.on_event(event{}) ( fsm.on_event<Event>() ), fsm.push_event(event{}), , , fsm.process(). , - , fsm.state_action().


state action
template <typename... Args>
void state_action (const Args&... args){

	state_v temp_v{current_state};
  auto l = [&](const auto& arg){
    using state_t =  std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
    using functor_t = typename state_t::action_t;
    if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<functor_t, void>){
  std::visit(l, temp_v);


std::variant<State...> temp_v . , std::visit.

"" variant, , , (, void) , , .

, , , . , , . callable object.

template <typename Event,
class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<EventBase, Event>>>

void on_event(const Event& e){
	Key k;
  k.event_idx = e.idx;
  k.state_idx = key.state_idx;

void on_event_impl (Key& k){

	transition_v tr_var = transitions[k];
  Key &ref_k = key;
  Guard &ref_g = guard;
  state_v &ref_state = current_state;
  auto l = [&](const auto& arg){
  	using tr_t =  std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
    using functor_t = typename tr_t::action_t;
    if ( GuardEqual{}(ref_g, tr_t::guard) ){
      using target_t = typename tr_t::target_t;
      ref_k.state_idx = target_t::idx;
      ref_state = target_t{};
   std::visit(l, tr_var);

, , , Key , on_event_impl(Key& k).

transitions std::variant<Tr...> tr_var. - , . std::visit c tr_var l, Tr , (target_t), (tr_t::guard) (functor_t) .

, c , functor_t, target_t (current_state), . .

template <unsigned int N>
void push_event (const Event<N>& e){


void set_guard (const Guard& g){
  guard = g;

, .

void process (void){
  auto it = transitions.begin();
  Key k;
  k.state_idx = key.state_idx;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i != events.size(); ++i){
    auto v = events.front(); 
    auto l = [&](const auto& arg){
      using event_t =  std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
      k.event_idx = event_t::idx;
      it = transitions.find(k);
    std::visit(l, v);
    if ( it != transitions.end() ){
    } else {

( void), , state_action().

, fsm.on_event(event{}).

, , . Event

template <base_t N, base_t Priority>
struct Event : EventBase{
  static constexpr base_t idx = N;
  static constexpr base_t pri = Priority;

, , , std::array<queue_t, PRIRITY_NUM>, . , , , , , .

, , , .

FSM , .

, ?

struct green_a {/*toogle green led every 50ms*/}
struct yellow_a {/*toogle yellow led every 50ms*/}
struct red_a {/*toogle red led every 50ms*/}

struct green_f {/*toogle green led every 150ms*/}
struct yellow_f {/*toogle yellow led every 150ms*/}
struct red_f {/*toogle red led every 150ms*/}

using STATE_A(green_s, green_f);
using STATE_A(yellow_s, yellow_f);
using STATE_A(red_s, red_f);

using EVENT(green_e);
using EVENT(yellow_e);
using EVENT(red_e);

using fsm_table = TransitionTable
    Tr<green_s, yellow_e, yellow_s, yellow_a, Guard::NO_GUARD>,
    Tr<yellow_s, red_e, red_s, red_a, Guard::NO_GUARD>,
    Tr<red_s, green_e, green_s, green_a, Guard::NO_GUARD>

int main(void){
  //some other stuff

  StateMachine<fsm_table> fsm;


  while (1){

color_a(ction) - ; color_f(unctor) - , , .

, , , . StateMachine<fsm_table> fsm. , while .

, . :

using even_t = Event<1, 15>;

using state_t = State<1, state_functor>;

, . - .

, constexpr , , . .

#define STATE_A(str, act) str = State<name(#str), act>
#define EVENT(str) str = Event<name(#str)>

constexpr base_t name (const char* n){
  base_t  res = 0;
  for (base_t i = 0; n[i] != '\0'; i++){
    char data = n[i];
    for (base_t j = sizeof (char) * 8; j > 0; j--){
      res = ((res ^ data) & 1) ? (res >> 1) ^ 0x8C : (res >> 1);
      data >>= 1;
  return res;

NUCLEO-H743ZI2, ( ).

-O3 ( FSM) 6,8, HAL- - 14,4.

, , . , .

It will be great if the community points out imminent fakups and points the way for improvements. I also dare to hope that someone will single out something useful for themselves from the material.

Thank you for attention!

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