Python, Sierpinski Triangle, and more ...

Greetings to readers. This is my first article on Habré. In it, I would like to share my experiments with the algorithm for constructing fractals by placing points in certain coordinates.

I do not exclude that you may already understand the topic of fractals, and even worked with the algorithm, which I will talk about, and that there is a lot of information about this, although I did not find any experiments with it. So don't hit ...

Let's start with a story about the Sierpinski Triangle. This is a fractal, that is, as the erroneous wording says - a self-similar figure (whose parts are similar to the figure itself). You've probably seen the Sierpinski Triangle.

Sierpinski triangle
Sierpinski triangle

There is a way to create it, which we will repeat in the Python programming language. The algorithm itself looks like this:

 ,        .
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The turquoise square is the builder.
The turquoise square is the builder.

This picture is from a program that I wrote in Python in a couple of minutes. I used the pyxel library because I like it, it looks nice, but as it turns out later, it has insufficient resolution, which in our case will make it difficult to distinguish small elements of the fractal.



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The builder tends to the center, hesitating a little

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Can you call it "Levin's Flower", in my honor, if no one has discovered this figure yet?
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Pygame library test

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The pentagon flower works too

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- C++ C# ( Assembler?), , - , , - , , , , . , , ...

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