LibreOffice 7.1 updated: corporate suite - separately, edition for the community - separately


Office suite LibreOffice 7.1 , maintained by The Document Foundation, has received another update . The software is ready to install for Linux, Windows and MacOS distributions. Updating the package is a joint work of the companies in charge of the project and members of the community. Most of the changes (73%) were made by Collabora, Red Hat and CIB employees, the rest was due to enthusiasts.

See what's new in LibreOffice 7.1 under the cut.

LibreOffice 7.1: Community and Enterprise

The office suite was divided into two editions: one - for the software community and called "LibreOffice Community", the second - called "LibreOffice Enterprise" - created for corporate use.

The developers explain this step by the desire to make life easier for both groups: those who use LibreOffice for personal needs, and those who use the package at the company level. LibreOffice Enterprise will simplify the work of vendors of products built on the basis of open source LibreOffice and integrate them into a kind of ecosystem.

LibreOffice Enterprise family products will receive support and long-term access to software updates. Also, this "tariff" will include features such as SLA (Service Level Agreements).

LibreOffice Community, in turn, will be supported by enthusiasts who use the package for personal needs. According to the developers, this will remove the need for them to consider the problems associated with the mass, rather than individual use of LibreOffice 7.1.

Both branches, however, remained on the same technological platform - LibreOffice Technology. It is a consistent, unified code base for building LibreOffice-based solutions. It is interesting that all changes from both Community and Enterprise will be made to the same database. Having flowed out of the same mouth, LibreOffice Community and LibreOffice Enterprise exist as if separately, but they still flock into one at the end of their path. This means that the next update of the office suite can become one again.

Products built on LibreOffice Technology are available in assemblies for popular operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux and ChromeOS), mobile platforms (Android and iOS), and for cloud use (LibreOffice Online).

This is about conceptual changes, but what about technical nuances?

LibreOffice 7.1: What's New

In the interface

  • When you start the program for the first time, you can now select the interface style and panel type.

  • Added a style preview widget to the Notebookbar toolbar.
  • Now you can get extensions, icons, macros or templates without installing extensions and manually downloading. The new Additions dialog allows loading them from external storages.

In Writer

  • Added Style Inspector showing all style and character attributes as well as manual formatting properties.

  • () Formatting Aids .
  • , Writer, .

  • Unicode, (BOM).
  • ( View → Field Names) . , Word, , , .
  • .
  • PDF-, 2.2 , (rowspan). Word HTML.


  • Enter (Tools → Options → LibreOffice Calc → General).
  • Autofilter .
  • Reset All ( Solver).
  • : , .
  • Autofilter.
  • Indirect , .

Impress Draw

  • , . Impress .

  • .
  • Draw PDF- .
  • Pause/Resume Exit.

  • Math Element HTML-, Element.
  • LibreOffice Basic Python.
  • The import system can now determine the type of empty files by their extension. For example, trying to open pptx and dotx null files will open in the specified formats.
  • Import and export of documents in docx, xlsx and pptx format just got better. Improved support for SmartArt import.

A complete list can be found here . The developers also briefly demonstrated the innovations in the video on YouTube.

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