Boomer Memories - VAX / VMS

Continuation, previous parts: The Way to IT - the Boomer's memories and the Way to IT, the Boomer's memories. Part 2, Institute, PDP-11

In my third year at the institute, I grew out of a PDP-11 (SM computer). 64K of address space squeezes very hard, far more than 640K. Fortunately, I managed to catch two places where I could use the machine time on VAX / VMS.


In both cases, they were real VAX from beyond the hillock, and not their Soviet counterparts. At Polygraphmash, the car looked something like this:

, , - . , , , - .

VT220. . , smooth scroll - , , . PLANNER, , 32 .

, PDP-11? , :

micro-VAX , , :

. . , . , . , . :

- !

the same checkpoint (left)

, , , , . ... ... , .


. , , , digital, .

DEC - , Pascal C, PL/1, ADA, . , - "Hello world" 4-6 ( DEC 512- ). ? runtimes ( 2Gb) .

, , , digital. VAX CISC , , RISC. CISC , , - , speculative execution, branch prediction etc. VAX , . digital , Alpha, . Windows NT digital...

VAX , , PDP-11. . , , . , :

, :

" ", " ". , VAX . 16 , . , CISC.

- , 80 !

"" ( , ) . microVAX, VAXstation!

, , - 1024x768, - 256 (1 LUT). DEC, X-windows (DEC windows). C X-11. , , Expose Event (, - ), . . .

, - . ? ( ) , . PLANNER, ( , PLANNER). ADA.

- VAXstation VAX, microVAX. ? . - . , !

IBM PC _ Mortal combat Larry. PC . , , , , ( ) PC .

The very atmosphere in the analyte device reminded me of the story 'Monday starts on Saturday'. Talented youth, smoke in the smoking room, queue in the dining room with trays on the rails. But gradually there were fewer people. The dining room was closed, only the sideboard remained, and echoes were heard in the empty corridors. There was a lot of space, and we were given a separate room. We moved both VAX and terminals there, arranged everything beautifully ... And I never showed up there again - it was the end of 91st year, and my work in "Dashing 90s" began, this will be the next part.

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