The basics of debugging JS client applications

The process of writing and executing program code is almost always associated with the need to find and fix bugs. And in general, the process of debugging applications looks simple:

But the devil is in the details. So we moved from one subject area to another or changed the stack, and there our own debugging features appeared. In this article, I will talk about debugging in the context of the frontend using the example of debugging client JS applications. I hope this will be useful for novice JS developers, and experienced ones will help make sure that I haven't missed anything important.

My name is Artyom, I work as a front-end developer at FunBox. We make products for mobile operators: various portals, geo-services, payments, mobile advertising and much more. It is possible that you use our products every day or not - I have an NDA here. At the company, we believe that a strong engineering culture is an integral part of good products. And an important element of this culture is being able to write down everything that is important and potentially useful to colleagues. I have published this article in an internal knowledge base for fellow front-end developers who are just mastering the basics of building complex and code-rich client JS applications. I hope it will be useful for you too.

Common Practices

     , .   .    .

.  , . β€” , .  Sentry.

/ .  , - , .

Usr A:  ! ,  "Cannot read property xxx of yyy"

. - , ?

Usr B: ! ,  config/build-config.js

   enableRandomErrors: true

. .

Runtime-.  , ,  console.log

  . , console.log

 β€” , . ,  console.trace





.   (). IDE , .

 (Β« Β»).  , . : , , , . git bisect

  , , .


  •   β€” , . ,  .toLowercase()



       ( ).

  •   β€” / . ,   .

  •   β€” . . JavaScript, , , .

  •    β€” -  =


    . , , , , . 

JS-, .  , .

 Β«  - , Β»,   . . , , ,  error

  .   , .

, . , .  SyntaxError


, - :

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined

Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got ';'

. , , , , , : , . , .  ( , , ) β€” , .


JS-    , (DevTools).   , - .   ,     .  -, DevTools  (Chrome, Firefox Safari)  . Chrome, Safari, .

HTML, CSS JavaScript β€” Β« Β» -,  JS SPA-. ,      .   React, JS-  Webpack, , ,  Hot Module Reload. .

     .        Inspect (Β« Β»   ).


  • Windows Linux β€” Ctrl+Shift+I


  • macOS β€” Cmd+Opt+I

    . , Safari . β€” Enable Web Inspector.

JavaScript-  ConsoleSources  Network. , , . ,  Components  Profiler   React Developer Tools.

Developer tools in Chrome 86 opened in the Console tab
Chrome 86, Console



  1. : , , .

  2. JS-,  REPL.

, .    :

, : ,   webpack-dev-server


, API ( ), .  .   Default levels  . , :


 Sources  , . Firefox Safari  Debugger.   (, , ), . , , , Webpack, .

β€”  Sources  Chrome 86. , . β€” , β€” JS-.   webpack-dev-server


,  app.js

, JS-.  β€”  (Webpack), HTML-. - , , Webpack . , .

 Sources   webpack://

.  (sourcemaps, )     , IDE .

, ,  main.jsx,


.  main.jsx

  , as is.   , ,  webpack://

  , Webpack , .

, .      Ctrl+O


) Chrome / Firefox  Cmd+Shift+O

  Safari. , .


- , . :  (JS-, CSS-), backend- REST API.  Network  , .

 Network β€” , . .   . , : , , HTTP- , MIME- .

,  Name, :  . .

- , ,  Network. , ,  ( ). , XHR-:

, , .  Filter, . ,


 Filter  Google Chrome

 Name, . , , .

 Preview  , . ,  application/json

, .

 Preserve logs ( Persist logs)  Disable cache  :

  •  Preserve logs  .

  •  Disable cache  , . , .


class CategoryList extends React.Component {
 constructor(props) {
   this.state = {
    categories: undefined, // <---   "categories: []"
 mapCategoriesFromState() {
   const mapped =; // <---   ".map"
    categories: mapped,
 render() {
   return 'Hello';

 β€” ,   categories

  ,  .map

.  :

category-list.jsx:11 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
 at CategoryList.mapCategoriesFromState (category-list.jsx:11) <---  
 at CategoryList.render (category-list.jsx:19)
 at finishClassComponent (react-dom.development.js:14742)
 at updateClassComponent (react-dom.development.js:14697)
 at beginWork (react-dom.development.js:15645)
 at performUnitOfWork (react-dom.development.js:19313)
 at workLoop (react-dom.development.js:19353)
 at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:150)
 at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:200)

(Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined) , ,  mapCategoriesFromState


  11  category-list.jsx

. , , .

React , , , . , , .   React-   :

The above error occurred in the <CategoryList> component:
 in CategoryList (created by Connect(CategoryList))
 in Connect(CategoryList) (created by MainApp)
 in OfferProvider (created by Connect(OfferProvider))
 in Connect(OfferProvider) (created by MainApp)
 in MainApp (created by Connect(MainApp))
 in Connect(MainApp) (created by Context.Consumer)
 in Route (created by App)
 in Switch (created by App)
 in Router (created by BrowserRouter)
 in BrowserRouter (created by App)
 in Provider (created by App)
 in App (created by HotExportedApp)
 in AppContainer (created by HotExportedApp)
 in HotExportedApp

    :   ,   , -  β€” .   SPA-     ,     -.     ,   -,   , . .


  • ;

  •  ( );

  • ;

  •  (event listener handlers);

  •  .

, , .



  : , . ,  console.log

, , - .

, ,  , .    (breakpoints, ) β€”   , JavaScript.


  •  , JS .

  •   .

  • DOM-  .

  • XHR-  .

  •   .

  . ,  console.log

, .


  1. .

  2. .

  3. , .


  •  Sources;

  • , , .

, , : , .

,  Breakpoints  , . , , .

, :

  • , .

  • (),  Breakpoints  .

  • ,  Edit breakpoint.

 β€” .    .

, React-, . ,    API, - ,  -  . , ,   ,     .     ,   .

-,  :

  •  Resume script execution.  : . 

  • Step over next function call. . , , .

  • Step into the next function call , .   this.isUnkownCategory().


  react-hot-loader,   Step into the next function call   ,  . react-hot-loader ReactDOM  hot reload,   React-,   , React,  .

  • Step out of current function , , , .       .   componentDidMount:

 Step over, Step into, Step out  Chrome, Firefox Safari. Google Chrome  Step.  Step into, , .   Google.

, .  Scope, .

, Scope ,  (Local),  (Closure)   (Global). :  Scope  .

React- ,  Scope  .  ,  this


. ,  this.state

,  Scope.

, , .  ConditionalBreakpoint

. ,  this.loadNext

  , ,  Resume Script Execution

,  loadType

. .

, . ?

, , :

  •  ( , );

  • .

, Webpack . , ,

C . ?

, , , . , . Chrome  Shift+Esc

 ( macOS Window β†’ Task Manager). Firefox (   ). , . , ,  (CPU, )  .

. , ,  Pause script execution

  Sources (  Resume script execution

). JavaScript, , .

 "SyntaxError: unexpected token <"  . ?

, JS- HTML- , , , .  Newtork  , JS-. - , NGINX, :

  <head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
  <body bgcolor="white">
    <center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
    <hr><center>nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)</center>

, ,  <


, - . ?

. -, , , . , , ,  (,  }

). , .

: , , . , β€” . , β€” . - JS-, .


  • Chrome DevTools Google

  • Chrome

  •  Β«Debug it!Β»  :  1 2

  • console

  • The definitive guide to debugging JavaScript

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