Analysis of the World of Tanks protocol

Hello, today we will analyze the protocol of tanks (mobile)

The author is not responsible for the material provided in this article, everything that you read or saw was in a dream. Tools written during the protocol analysis process will never be released to the public.

The tools we need

  1. x64 dbg

  2. Cutter (Radare2)

  3. C ++ 4. WireShark

Start (Protocol)

I started the analysis by defining the protocol the game uses for communication (TCP / UDP).

We open procmon (we try to authorize in the game client).

UDP ( ) 12 ( ping / pong), , 273 30 . "loginapp_wot.pubkey" - RSA-2048 ( )

 ( )

WireShark - UDP .

( ) (273 ) . , :

(  1-2 ) :

HEADER => [0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x31, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x02]
BODY => [? ? ? ? ?]
FOOTER => [0x02, 0x00]

 256  * 8 = 2048  ( RSA-2048)

x64dbg 2 ws2_32 [send / sendTo]

( ) . call stack,  0x100:

Json .

body .


(RSA-2048) .


 ( )

, .



Splice  is a method of intercepting API functions by changing the target function code. Instead, a transition is inserted to a function that the programmer defines.

First, we need to call the original decryption function.

Then read [ptr * dest]

I decided to write my Dll in C ++ to make a trampoline of the function

Do not forget about observing the convention when calling (__cdecl / __fastcall / __thiscall)

  1. We get the address of the function via GetModuleBaseAddress + RVA

  2. Splicing functions


Inject dll into the game process (I used CE).

We authorize the game and enjoy.

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