Sony Xperia 1ii PWM exploration

Recently, there are no flagships with an IPS screen, I do not consider the iPhone. I looked aside with OLED (I used samsung earlier, so it was an experience). Chose with normal color rendering and "minimum" PWM. I know about the dcdimming technology in Chinese smartphones, but colors "float" with it, and the screen quickly overheats at high brightness. You need a smartphone to work with photos and websites, so this technology was not considered.

Sony Xperia 1ii Screen PWM ("Creator Mode") sRGB

Measurements in different lighting (used the most popular values), automatic brightness mode

100% brightness - PWM ~ 5% (the mode is used only in direct sunlight)

~ 80% (70cd / m2) (street> 1500lx)

~ 70% screen brightness (indoor, bright light> 700lx)

~ 50% screen brightness (room, office ~ 400lx)

~ 25% screen brightness (evening, illumination <50lx)

<20% (9 cd / m2) screen brightness (night, candles)

Now some video (filmed at 960fps)

~ 50% screen brightness

~ 30% screen brightness

<15% screen brightness

For comparison, laptop screen, no PWM

The oscillogram shows a "walking pixel"

The conclusion is simple, that you cannot use it in the dark - if your vision is important to you.

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