Dependency Injection architectural pattern in a React application

Transcript of Sergei Nesterov's report from the FrontendLive 2020 conference .

! , . , , , , , React . Dependency Injection IoC-. : , .

- . , , - -.

Dependency Injection React-. , , . , Dependency Injection , . 


Frontend + DI โ‰  โ™ฅ

- , Dependency Injection, , , , . Dependency Injection -, , , . , , , , .

, Dependency Injection. , Angular Nest.js ( NodeJS). Angular Dependency Injection , React- React .

โ€” : 

Frontend + DI = โ™ฅ


, React- Dependency Injection. , .

. React MobX. - , React- . , . 

, , , . , , , , , . , , . :

: , , . , 30 . , , , - . , โ€” , . 

, , โ€” . .

. : . , , , , . , , . 

. React 16.2 16.3. , API, . - , ( ), โ€” props hell. 

- , , , . - , , . , . , . 

, Dependency Injection. โ€” - , SOLID.


  • .

  • /.

  • .

  • .

  • .

โ€” . ?

  • . .

  • . .

, , : 

: ( Juicer) ( Apple). Juicer Apple. ? , : Juicer Apple. :

  • Apple. 

  • . Juicer, , Apple.

  • . ยซยป ยซยป, , , . ยซยป.

, , IFruit , ยซยป , - . 

Apple โ€” โ€” , . :

Juicer, -, , - IFruit. Apple Juicer. , .

, ! , , - , . 

, , . 

Dependency Injection. , : 

  • Constructor injection.

  • Property Injection.

  • Setter Injection.

Constructor injection. , . , : , - . , , :

Property Injection. . property . , , -, โ€” , , : 

-, , . -, , , - . - IoC-, , .

Setter Injection. , Property Injection, property , , . . . , Property Injection, ( ), :


  • Constructor Injection โ€” . , .

  • Property Injection โ€” .

  • Setter Injection โ€” . Inversion of Control-.

IoC-, . 

. IoC- โ€” , , , : , , , , .

. IoC- โ€” , โ€” . , , . 


react-simple-di, react-ioc, typescript-ioc, inversifyJS.

inversifyJS, . React. , Dependency Injection Angular, inversifyJS.

devtools. , โ€” . , - , inversifyJS , :

. Juicer, Apple. inversifyJS, , injectable-, .

inject- Apple, . โ€” inversifyJS, , .

: ยซ , , !ยป , . :

? Apple IFruit. @inject Apple.

? IFruit is not defined โ€” ReferenceError. 

? , , runtime TypeScript โ€” JavaScript . , , InversifyJS , .

, ? , โ€” :

, FruitKey. โ€” , Apple . , Dependency Injection .


Reflect-metadata โ€” , ( ) . , :

Juicer, โ€” injectable- inject-. , - inversify- , Juicer . , reflect-metadata Juice.

console.log(Reflect.getMetadataKeys) . :

  • design:paramtypes;

  • inversify:tagged;

  • inversify:paramtypes.

, , inversifyJS , . inversify:tagged:

console.log(Reflect.getMetadata) inversify:tagged , Juicer , FruitKey. inversifyJS : , . 

Dependency Injection+React

โ€” Dependency Injection React-. , React , React . , . , , . , . .

import React from 'react';
import { interfaces } from 'inversify';
const context = React.createContext<interfaces.Container | null>(null);
export default context;

. , , React. : , React.createContext null. inversifyJS , .

, ? DiProvider โ€” -, . , : (children) React-, :

type Props = {
   container: interfaces.Container;
   children: ReactNode;
export function DiProvider({ container, children }: Props) {
   return <Context.Provider value={container}>{children}</Context.Provider>;

High-Order-, . High-Order-, , , withProvider, โ€” , :

export function withProvider<P, C>(
   component: JSXElementConstructor<P> & C,
   container: interfaces.Container
) {
   class ProviderWrap extends Component<Props> {
       public static contextType = Context;
       public static displayName = `diProvider(${getDisplayName(component)})`;
       public constructor(props: Props, context?: interfaces.Container) {
           this.context = context;
           if (this.context) {
               container.parent = this.context;
       public render() {
           const WrappedComponent = component;
           return (
               <DiProvider container={container}>
                   <WrappedComponent {...(this.props as any)} />
   return ProviderWrap as ComponentClass<Props>;

. Typescript, , High-Order- , . , DiProvider , .

, DI-. , parent- . , , .

, . High-Order-, , . , , โ€” Dependence-.

Dependence- , . . , inversify, binding ( ), tagged binding โ€” . 

, , , TypeScript , . , , . 

inject. , DI-, resolve, . , . 

, , High-Order- React, . 

Next.js, . Next.js : npm install, npm run dev โ€” . pages- HOC withProvider , .

, HOC diInject, , - . 

: ListModel , inSingletonScope, , get- . Props , booksListModel , . inversifyJS React- , , .

, Dependency Injection, โ€” , inversifyJS.

, :

SPA- . React Router . , : fetch-, - fetch โ€” , . 

, , , . , 1, 2.

, , . , .

, โ€” , , -, , -, js, . 


, . : CommentService, CommentModel .

, inversifyJS Container Module, , . , . , .

inversifyJS, . โ€” tagged bindings. ? , :

, . inversifyJS tagged , FruitKey ( ) . โ€” , FruitKey โ€” , , โ€” , โ€” . , whenTargetTagged.

, , โ€” named bindings:

, , , โ€” Store, . , , JuicerKey c AppleJuicer. named inversifyJS. 

whenAnyAncestorNamed , AppleJuicer, โ€” OrangeJuicer. 

, Juicer FruitKey , , , โ€” . Store .

Dependency Injection+React

DI React? , , โ€” , . , , , runtime JavaScript, :

, , Store StoreKey. Store , , , TypeScript , - .

- - , , .


, . 


, . Dependency Injection, . . .

. : โ€” playground , inversifyJS NodeJS, โ€” React-. High-Order- React inversifyJS.

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