Effective email as a superpower of recruiter and HR

The story about recruiter Maria 

Once upon a time there was a girl named Maria. Masha has been working in recruiting for more than 3 years. She was an experienced and courageous recruiter and filled about 4-5 Middle / Senior vacancies in a month. Applicants and candidates loved Masha very much for her sincerity, honesty, responsibility and personal approach to everyone. And Masha, in turn, liked to communicate with people, help them, and, in her turn, learn something new every day. From the very first day on the job Masha knew how important it is to write the first letter or message on LinkedIn correctly, and to make an effective, personalized "first touch". In her understanding, “first touch = first impression”. 


. :

  • — ;

  • , ;

  • "call to action", :)

— , HRD Bergx2

A person needs 10 seconds to understand whether he wants to research the contents of the letter, start a dialogue with the interlocutor, or pass by.  

82% email, LinkedIn, Facebook. -. , , .

COVID-19, , , . IT . . 

, 2020, ! 


, , , : , — , — Zoom. : 

, ? ? 

? ? 

, ? 

, , . , ? 

, . :

  • Subject line, 

, . 

“Hi, Marina!" — , , . , , . , , .

ї, і. іі

( іі є LinkedIn), ї

іє . , і і і і

і . іі (і 2019 ) є

ї "", і "".

— , Recruiter EvoTalents

“There are a few CVs” — there is / there are . 

“Proposed” — .

"Are seen / was opened / can be found" — . ? — , .

"CVs can be found here" — — . , . , .

"Don't / might not" — , . , .

"Don't hesitate to drop a line to Lena" — , . “to drop a line” ? ? 

"For a professional recruiter like you it won't be hard ;-)" "Thanks in advance!" — - . "I appreciate your help." 

“Subject: New tasks for the recruitment team” — , subject line. , . 

“Hi, Marina” “Best regards!” — . 

, - . 

, , , . 

Think, write, and think again.

— Alexey Kovalenko, Managing Partner at Savvy

email? 8 , .




subject line


call to action 


. , « ?»

, , . , , .

- , ,


1. ,




, .

3. ,

“Re:Fwd:a quick question”.

4. , -



. And it’s a nice thing to do :)

— , Internal Communications Very Good Security

— , ? 

100 5 .

Less than five sentences is often abrupt and rude, more than five sentences

wastes time.

—  Guy Kawasaki, a Silicon-Valley based author, speaker, entrepreneur, and



, . ,  , . 

, . — .

, , (

) ? , , ,


— , Recruiter AB Games



Many thanks for your…

I am writing to…

It is important because..

Call to action

Could you.. / It would help if you…

I appreciate your help…



. . - ,

, - /

— , Recruiter EvoTalents

= , ?

“One thing at a time” « = »

. - , , — .

Subject line

— , — . 

Backlinko , , Subject line 36-50 ( 4-8 ), .

2021- iPhone. , , 37-41 ( 4-7 ) . : Subject line 20 4-, 3-, 2-, , . 

Call to action? 

— . 

, “ ”. 4 .

  1. ?  : , , , ...

  2. . .

  3. . , . 

  4. . Mind Field : , , - . .


-, : 

  1. , , : , .

  2. Subject line. — 3 , 20 .

  3. .

  4. call to action — , ? 

  5. ?

  6. ( Grammarly   LanguageTool), Google . ?

  7. , ?

  8. , , ?

  9. .

  10. «».

, — #TheSmartWayofLearning.


PR Manager at Savvy

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