Solving RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 and RAZOR2_CHECK problems

Failed test: RAZOR2 reports spam
Failed test: RAZOR2 reports spam

I do not know whether Yandex mail and Razor2 are related, the problem of non-deliveries not related to spam obviously cannot be related to Razor2. The background is outlined below.

Today an Über-manager came and complained that their manual mailing gave  out a lot of undeliverables , you need to analyze what the problem is and solve it.

After looking through the list  abuse-

, there was nothing unusual: nonexistent / overflowing inbox receiver, everything is as usual.

However, checking the headers of the received letter in Yandex mail, it was found:

X-Yandex-Spam: 4

4 days ago, I already checked similar letters through , he gave a rating of 10 out of 10, that is, everything is fine, not spam.

I had to check the emails for spam again using the above service, and came across problems:

Razor detected spam in email
Razor detected spam in email

Text (just in case):

-2.43       RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100      Razor2 gives confidence level above 50%
cf: 100
-1.729      RAZOR2_CHECK        Listed in Razor2 (

Vipul's Razor Project

Unfortunately, the Internet did not provide comprehensive information on this problem (or I was looking badly). However, the site of the Vipul's Razor project was found  .

   2013  (7 , ),  ( , mail-tester ), .     :  Vipul's Razor Cloudmark Authority  .

spamassassin  :

Vipul's Razor - , . , -, .

open-source  (Artistic License 1.0),   .

Vipul's Razor :

   (Listed in Razor2

),  Razor2

   Razor2 gives confidence level above 50%

 -  ( ).

, Razor2 -. - : Razor2 ... .


  : ,  ( - ).

... ... -     , ,   ,    get

 .  ( ), 2- .


  ,     . www ( ), .

, ( ), -.

After removing the spam code from the letter, we managed to pass the test

Vipul's Razor,  , - ,  ( ). , .



  , .

- ,      . :

  • carefully check the contents of the letter (yes, it was necessary initially, but it happened)

  • at the beginning of each day, before sending template letters, check such letters through the service, for example, the same mail-tester, and if problems are found, send the problem to the solving  department

Author: Vitaly Buturlin

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