15 reasons for connecting metering devices to the energy consumption dispatching system, personal opinion (IoT provider)

Accounting and control is the main economic task of every Soviet of Workers ', Soldiers' and Peasants 'Deputies, every consumer society, every union or supply committee, every factory committee or workers' control body in general.

V. I. Lenin

Horrified? I remembered Lenin. What's so terrible? After all, in fact, we came to that: accounting and control are our everything, the success of any business. But enough of the lyrics, let's get down to business. First, I'll tell you why the idea arose, then the article itself.

Once I wanted to share my experience of working as an IoT provider in housing and communal services. This work, frankly speaking, is ambiguous and rather rare. For anyone interested, read the article about personal experience in the field of housing and communal services. However, during the work on the new website, when I entered the new year 2021, I realized that a lot needs to be rethought for myself. And for people to convey information in an understandable and clear language. So I conceived a series of articles. When clients come to me to connect or create their own system, many questions arise. In the article I decided to close everything and write my answers why electronic accounting is profitable.

The initial introduction of accounting or the modernization of the existing accounting system for the resources of industrial and residential facilities (heat, water, electricity, gas) brings savings from 5 to 20%, depending on the situation, the electronic collection of these data complements and increases the efficiency of accounting. In the case of using ASKUE systems at a number of facilities, we get additional budget savings of up to 15%.

Here are some simple examples:

Business center 10.000 sq.m (density - 2000 people)

  • Electricity - 9.5 million rubles per year

  • Thermal - 6 million rubles per year

  • After the introduction of electricity metering, the amount of the advance payment on average per year decreased by 0.5 million rubles

  • – 1 3-5% . , . ,( 2 , 1 )

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Figure:  # 1.  Heat metering and data collection panel
. β„–1.

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Figure:  # 2.  Data transmission system
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Figure:  No. 3.  User's personal account for assessing the quality of resources
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Figure:  No. 4.  The same situation when the system constantly speaks about exceeding the threshold of flow rates between the devices by more than 4%, and at the facility a "bang" started.
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Figure:  No. 5.  Electricity consumption schedule for the business center.  The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the remoteness are clearly visible.
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Figure:  No. 6.  Interactive map
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Figure:  No. 7.  Neighborhood monitoring
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Figure:  No. 8.  Analysis of DHW consumption, water heating temperature status
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The third reason is metrological imperfection. However, comparing the characteristics of foreign and Russian heat meters, one can see that the domestic manufacturer is in the lead. But to understand whether the declared characteristics are real is possible only with the help of a heat meter calibration tool - a pouring installation in the metrology of the TsSM. In 2017, a massive reform of metrology took place, now we are entering the European standard. Thus, the following conclusion can be drawn: there should be no reason for doubts about the insufficient regulatory framework. This means that it is not necessary to abandon the commercial data accounting system. There are more than enough reasons for connecting.

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