Open systems as a basis for building a Smart city

Key words: smart city, open systems, open source system, smart city, quality of life, smart technologies.

Objective: to define the understanding of open systems as a basis for designing a Smart City, as well as to familiarize with the principles of the concept of open systems.

Abstract: This article discusses the concepts of a smart city and open systems, the main components that form these concepts and the interaction of these components. Based on examples, the authors show the effective use of these interactions. The article makes an assumption about the effectiveness of economic, environmental, social for smart city systems built on the basis of open systems. The article is devoted to the topic of building a Smart city based on open systems. 


The creation of the “Smart City” concept is associated with the need to ensure in the near future the modern quality of life of people through the use of innovative technologies that provide for the economical, environmentally friendly and safe use of urban life systems. At the same time, various factors of urban development are combined into a single system using advanced information and communication technologies. It is a deeply integrated system, all components of which are inextricably linked to each other.

Smart city concept

A smart city is an innovative city that implements a set of technical solutions and organizational measures aimed at achieving the highest possible quality of resource management and service provision in order to create sustainable favorable living and stay conditions, business activity of current and future generations [1].

To achieve the goals of the Smart City and improve the quality of service for citizens, city authorities need to control what is happening in the city and interact with the infrastructure through information and communication technologies. With the help of smart sensor systems operating in real time, information is collected and accumulated in data centers, which is subsequently processed and analyzed by the systems.

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Scheme 1 - Architecture of the transport subsystem of the Smart City system using interfaces and protocols of open systems
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