Simplified syntax for jsonb in PostgreSQL 14

According to the telegram-channel Cross the Join , the repository Postgres fell Komichi , easier to work with jsonb. You can now access parts of jsonb using square brackets, and this works for both reading and writing.

Goodbye jsonb_set and other crutches like data = data - 'a' || '{"a":5}'

A few examples:

We update the value of the object by key. 25 is a number here, but enclosed in quotes because the assigned value must be jsonb

-- (person_data   jsonb)
UPDATE users 
SET person_data['age'] = '25'; 

The update works with empty (null) jsonb too.

We filter the table by the name = Pasha field. Pasha is a string, but it is also written in the form jsonb: '"Pasha"', so extra double quotes

FROM users 
WHERE person_data['name'] = '"Pasha"';

Get the value of the object by the key "age"

SELECT ('{"age": 25}'::jsonb)['age'];

Or you can specify a long path

SELECT ('{"a": {"b": {"c": 1}}}'::jsonb)['a']['b']['c'];

Array element by index

SELECT ('[1, "2", null]'::jsonb)[1];

Most importantly, the changes will be included in postgreSQL 14!

The original idea of ​​the syntax belongs to Oleg Bartunov, implementation - Dmitry Dolgov

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