Announcement. How psychology differs from pseudopsychology

Psychology is probably the most well-worn science by crooks. It is devalued by all and sundry: info-gypsies, bloggers without higher education, passers-by who have read several amateur articles on the topic.

So people who have no idea about scientific knowledge, mathematical statistics and how to correctly draw conclusions from research create the impression that psychology is a contradictory mass of subjective opinions, observations and random conclusions.

Tomorrow, at 20:00 on our YouTube channel, Irina Ovchinnikova, a researcher at the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Research of Human Development at St. Petersburg State University, and a research assistant at the University of Houston, will speak .

Most of her time at work, Ira explores how early childhood experiences affect language development and how this is reflected in brain activity, as well as studying developmental disorders.

During the broadcast, she will tell what psychology as a science really does, why a psychologist needs to know calculus and about his projects.

Speech theses

  • Why is modern statistics inextricably linked with psychology?
  • How the science of psychology differs from pseudopsychology. And why does the latter infuriate psychologists
  • How Ira uses programming in her work
  • What are neuroimaging methods and where are they applied?
  • What is the difference between MRI and EEG: what is used and where

About Ira's three favorite projects that are currently underway:

  • How early childhood experiences affect further language development, how experiences in a children's home and orphanage affect human cognitive development
  • Assessment of the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in Russia
  • Linguistic developmental disorder in an isolated population in the North of Russia

In addition, Ira will answer the common question "What if I have a physics / mathematics / cs education and I want to work in neuroscience or cognitive science?" and other questions from the audience.

How not to miss the broadcast?

Choose the platform you like and click the Remind button. Since YouTube is the most popular platform among our broadcasts, we insert the broadcast.

See you live!

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