Salaries of Ukrainian developers for 2020. Average - $ 2500

The Ukrainian resource DOU.UA (Developers.Org.Ua) conducted a salary survey among IT developers, in which 10,280 Ukrainian specialists took part. More than half of them 5359 are developers: Software Engineers, Tech / TeamLeads and System Architects. All salaries are indicated in US dollars at the interbank rate, net, i.e. after all taxes have been paid.

CSV data is available on GitHub . The median is used to estimate wages in the samples.

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Portrait of survey participants

The largest share of the surveyed developers is Software Engineers (39%).

The share of women among Software Engineers is kept at 8%. Median age - 28 years, fashion - 24 years.

The share of Kiev is 41%. They are followed by Lviv (15%) and Kharkiv (14%).

The most popular programming language is JavaScript - 24% of developers listed it as their primary language and 40% as their secondary language. Java and C # /. NET are the next major languages. Additional ones include SQL and TypeScript.

Median salaries

$2500 , $200 , . , Middle Software Engineers. , — $2000. System Architects $300, Team/TechLeads — $150, Senior SE — $200, Junior SE — $100. Intern/Trainee: $350.

System Architect — $5300.

Software Engineers , , — $1500, $2300. Team/TechLeads — $4700 $4100 , $4300 $3500 .

-5 : — $1250, — $1400, — $1500, — $1700.

, C++ $3500 $3200 TypeScript $3600 $3100 . iOS- Swift $4400 $3100. . Scala, — 1C. Junior C. Go-. Senior TypeScript — $4400, Senior Scala — $5150.

Junior Senior Embedded- - $1100 $4200 . Software Engineers , Desktop - $1750.

Scala-, - 1C. Junior C.

Go-. Senior TypeScript - $4400. - Senior Scala - $5150.

. . : Senior SE $4000 . - $3600.

- $3400, , - $1900. , , , . . $1300, , - $550.


8 , .

  • JavaScript: $200, $30

  • Java: Senior SE SE 9

  • C#/.NET: ,

  • PHP: Software Engineer

  • Python: Junior- ,

  • C ++:

  • Ruby/Rails: ,

  • Swift: $400

, 46% Upper-Intermediate Advanced. Intern/Trainee Junior 28%.

- Intermediate . 15% Pre-Intermediate Elementary.

If for Junior English does not have a critical impact on the level of salary, then for Middle and Seniors the situation is changing dramatically. If a Software Engineer with an average English can count on $ 2000, then with a fluency in the language already at $ 2400. In Senior SE, the difference is even greater - $ 3500 versus $ 4100.

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