Automating the search for secrets in git and ansible

Do you know what is stored in your git repository? Among the hundreds of commits, are there passwords from product servers that got there by mistake?

But what if the ansible script crashes when publishing and highlights the passwords in the log?

I will tell you about how we tried to automate such checks and what came of it.

Hello, Habr!

My name is Oleg, I work in a rather large bank for the Russian Federation, in the IT for IT division.

  (OPS)  (ansible)   . 

2 git ( , ), , , , OPS .

,   master  OPS. 

? git    ( ) OPS. Jenkins git - ( ) OPS.

git? ?

, . secret management,  HashiCorp VaultCyberArk Conjur .

, .

, pull request .

, !


3 , :


    dev_ssh_username1: "admin"
    dev_ssh_password1: "admin123"

- .

shell command ansible

- name: Deploy
  hosts: all
    - name: Update
      shell: " --user={{ update_user }} --password={{ update_password }}"

, playbook -v .

$ ansible-playbook deploy.yml -i env/DEV/hosts -v
TASK [Update] ******************************************************************
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/home/dev/ --user=secret_user --password=secret_password", "delta": "0:00:05.056532", "end": "2020-11-06 09:53:09.397355", "rc": 0, "start": "2020-11-06 09:53:04.340823", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "Update SUCCESS", "stdout_lines": ["Update SUCCESS"]}

, playbook ( -v)

$ ansible-playbook deploy.yml -i env/DEV/hosts
TASK [Update] ******************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/home/dev/ --user=secret_user --password=secret_password", "delta": "0:00:00.018710", "end": "2020-11-06 10:14:30.642419", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2020-11-06 10:14:30.623709", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /home/dev/     ", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /home/dev/     "], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

  environment, :

- name: Deploy
  hosts: all
    - name: Update
      shell: "/home/dev/ $AUTH_DATA"
        AUTH_DATA: "--user={{ update_user }} --password={{ update_password }}"

credentials . no_log.


Jenkins, credentials  withCredentials. pipeline credential, , . Jenkins .

, , :

node {
  stage('Jenkins Credentials | Decrypt Secret File') {
    withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'credentials-id', variable: 'secretFile')]) {
      sh 'cat $secretFile'

, , . ,  secretFile  withCredentials.

, . ( ).

.  SonarQube   Checkmarx. .

- SonarQube Hard-coded credentials are security-sensitive

, . ,  .

C Checkmarx - . ( Application Security ). , :

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class DemoController {
    public @ResponseBody String show_me_creds() {
        String thisIsMyLittleSecret = "qwerty12345";
        return thisIsMyLittleSecret;

opensource . google "find secrets in git" :

Gitleaks, :

  • regexp, ;

  • ;

  • json;

  • ;

  • .

- toml , : 

  description = "generic secret regex"
  regex = '''secret(.{0,20})([0-9a-zA-Z-._{}$\/\+=]{20,120})'''
  tags = ["secret", "example"]

, : 

  description = "entropy and regex example"
  regex = '''secret(.{0,20})([0-9a-zA-Z-._{}$\/\+=]{20,120})'''
    Min = "4.5"
    Max = "4.7"

: " , ,    4,5 4,7, "

,  .


~  gitleaks --repo=gitleaks --repo= --verbose --pretty
INFO[2020-04-28T13:00:34-04:00] cloning...
Enumerating objects: 135, done.
Total 135 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 135
        "line": "const AWS_KEY = \"AKIALALEMEL33243OLIAE\"",
        "offender": "AKIALALEMEL33243OLIA",
        "commit": "eaeffdc65b4c73ccb67e75d96bd8743be2c85973",
        "repo": "gronit.git",
        "rule": "AWS Manager ID",
        "commitMessage": "remove fake key",
        "author": "Zachary Rice",
        "email": "",
        "file": "main.go",
        "date": "2018-02-04T19:43:28-06:00",
        "tags": "key, AWS"
WARN[2020-04-28T13:00:35-04:00] 6 leaks detected. 33 commits audited in 77 milliseconds 738 microseconds

, gitleaks - .

- whitelist , :

  description = "entropy and regex example"
  regex = '''secret(.{0,20})['|"]([0-9a-zA-Z-._{}$\/\+=]{20,120})['|"]'''
    Min = "4.5"
    Max = "4.7"
    regex = '''secret.some_value_that_match_regexp_but_not_really_a_secret'''
    description = "ignore that string"

- pull request webhook Jenkins, , gitleaks - NEED WORK.

, , gitleaks ( ). 


, , playbook, Jenkins .

- name: Deploy
  hosts: all
    - name: Update
      shell: " --user={{ update_user }} --password={{ update_password }}"

ansible - , OPA (      ), python.

,  Ansible Lint.

Ansible, " " , .

2 :

  • ;

  • playbook. , . 

- python , id, short description, description tags ( Ansible Lint ) match matchtask, .   .

matchtask, task, . 

, ( ):

class CommandsInsteadOfModulesRule(AnsibleLintRule):
    id = '303'
    shortdesc = 'Using command rather than module'
    description = (
        'Executing a command when there is an Ansible module '
        'is generally a bad idea'
    severity = 'HIGH'
    tags = ['command-shell', 'resources', 'ANSIBLE0006']
    _commands = ['command', 'shell']
    _modules = {
        'apt-get': 'apt-get',
# ,    
        'yum': 'yum',
    def matchtask(self, file, task):
        if task['action']['__ansible_module__'] not in self._commands:
        first_cmd_arg = get_first_cmd_arg(task)
        if not first_cmd_arg:
        executable = os.path.basename(first_cmd_arg)
        if executable in self._modules and \
                boolean(task['action'].get('warn', True)):
            message = '{0} used in place of {1} module'
            return message.format(executable, self._modules[executable])

- task command shell  _modules - .

- (password/pass/login ) command shell . 

no_log, . no_log - .

, Gitleaks Ansible Lint, . , .. ( ).


, Jenkinsfile , ( ).

node {
  stage('Jenkins Credentials | Decrypt Secret File') {
    withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'credentials-id', variable: 'secretFile')]) {
      sh 'cat $secretFile'


Jenkinsfile groovy,  Abstract Syntax Tree  .   AstBuilder  ,  withCredentials, withCredentials. , .

,   secretFile - stage,  secretFile . 

1000 , ,   .

, pipeline  Pipeline model definition plugin, pipeline json . - .


, 1000 pull request. 3% gitleaks, , ansible.

, OPS .

, :

  • - . - ?

  • - shell .

  • - security linter python.

  •  is just an interesting Twitter bot that scans github, pastebin, ghostbin for secrets, credit cards, private keys, etc. Sources are of course available.

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