FOSS News β„–54 - digest of materials about free and open source software for January 25-31, 2021


We continue to digests news and other materials about free and open source software and a little about hardware. The most important thing about penguins and not only, in Russia and the world. WebRTC technology has received the status of a standard; how the pandemic is accelerating the adoption of Open Source in corporations; Open Source Small Satellite Project simplifies the development of such projects; Open Source Security Foundation: Reflection and the Future; Ubuntu 21.04 decided to enable Wayland by default; monolithic distribution kit Ubuntu Core 20 is available; a guide on setting up a home mail server and leaving "free" mail and much more.

Table of contents

  1. the main thing

    1. WebRTC technology received standard status
    2. How the pandemic is accelerating open source adoption in corporations
    3. Open Source Small Satellite Project Simplifies Development of Similar Projects
    4. Open Source Security Foundation: Reflection and the Future
    5. Ubuntu 21.04 Wayland
    6. Ubuntu Core 20
    7. «»

      1. DevOps
      2. Web

      1. DIY
      2. DevOps
      3. AI & Data Science
      4. Web

      1. DevOps
      2. Web


: /Web

OpenNET : Β« W3C API, WebRTC, . IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), , 11 RFC (8825-8835, 8854) , , , WebRTC. RFC Β« Β». WebRTC Google 2009 , , Adobe Flash . 2011 Google BSD , WebRTC, , GIPS, . , WebRTC. Mozilla, Microsoft, Cisco Ericsson WebRTC W3C IETFΒ».

[β†’ 1, 2 (en)]

, Open Source

: /

VentureBeat , 2020 Open Source , . Β«COVID-19 , , , Β», .

Open Source :

  1. : .
  2. : .
  3. : -

[β†’ (en)]

Open Source

: /

Hackaday : Β« , . CubeSat , - - , . Robotic Exploration Lab (REx) - PyCubed, CubeSatΒ».

[β†’ (en)]

Open Source Security Foundation:

: /

Open Source Software Foundation (OpenSSF) 3 2020 . Linux Foundation , OpenSSF, .


  1. .
  2. Open Source ( OWASP).

[β†’ (en)]

Ubuntu 21.04 Wayland

: /

OpenNET : Β« Ubuntu Ubuntu 21.04 GNOME, Wayland. NVIDIA X-. X- . , GNOME Wayland, , WaylandΒ».


Ubuntu Core 20

: /

OpenNET : Β« Canonical Ubuntu Core 20, Ubuntu, (IoT), , . Ubuntu Core , deb-. Ubuntu Core 20, Ubuntu 20.04, x86_64, ARMv7 ARMv8. 10 Β».



: /DIY

, , alexmdv . , Β« , . , «» Β». alexmdv 100% Β« β€’ . , , Β».


Β«Docker Β» [β†’]

  1. Microsoft Rust Windows API [β†’]
  2. Google Tilt Brush, 3D- [β†’ 1, 2 (en)]
  3. Google ( Open Source) [β†’ (en)]

  1. Linux Foundation Public Health COVID-19 [β†’ (en)]
  2. Apache Software Foundation 2020 [β†’ (en)]
  3. [β†’]
  4. Rocky Linux A 4  [β†’ 1 (en), 2 (en)]
  5. FreeBSD i386 [β†’]
  6. LibreOffice New Generation [β†’]
  7. Google Play Matrix- Element [β†’ 1, 2 (en)]
  8. Mozilla Voice Fill Firefox Voice [β†’]
  9. OSM 548 [β†’]

: AWS «» Elastic [β†’ (en)]

  1. β€” [β†’]
  2. CloudLinux Linux [β†’ (en)]
  3. , Linux, , Intel Itanium [β†’ (en)]

Apache ECharts Apache Incubator Apache  [β†’ (en)]

QWERTY- Ubuntu Touch [β†’]

  1. Flatpak, [β†’]
  2. NFS [β†’]
  3. VLC GStreamer, [β†’ 1, 2]
  4. DreamBus , Linux [β†’ 1 (en), 2 (en)]
  5. sudo
  6. sudo, root [β†’ 1, 2, 3 (en), 4 (en), 5 (en)]
  7. Linux , [β†’ (en)]
  8. NAT slipstreaming, IP [β†’]
  9. Libgcrypt 1.9.0 [β†’ 1, 2 (en)]


  1. Scylla Kubernetes [β†’ (en)]
  2. Vectorized $ 15,5 , Apache Kafka [β†’ (en)]
  3. Kubernetes : 2021 Platform9 [β†’ (en)]


  1. Fedora API Google Sync Chromium [β†’ (en)]
  2. Mozilla Open Web Docs MDN [β†’]
  3. Google Chrome ,  [β†’ (en)]
  4. Chrome [β†’ (en)]
  5. - WordPress drag&drop [β†’ (en)]
  6. Chromium [β†’]
  7. Google Chrome ,  [β†’ (en)]

PIP Python 2 [β†’]

  1. KDE: - Plasma 5.21! [β†’]
  2. Plasma - Plasma 5.21 [β†’]

, Linux [β†’ (en)]


Raspberry Pi [β†’ (en)]

  1. GeckoLinux OpenSuse [β†’ (en)]
  2. Kali Linux: [β†’ (en)]
  3. Red Hat «» CentOS – CentOS [β†’ (en)]
  4. CentOS Linux , Β«Red Hat Β» [β†’ (en)]

  1. [β†’]
  2.  [β†’ (en)]

  1. Radare2 [β†’ (en)]
  2. [β†’]
  3. SystemTap Oracle Linux [β†’ (en)]
  4. SSH [β†’]
  5. Restic systemd Linux [β†’]

 [β†’ (en)]

  1. EventNative – ClickHouse [β†’]
  2. 2006: MySQL server has gone away [β†’]

GIMP  [β†’ (en)]

Android [β†’ (en)]

  1. GPG [β†’]
  2. ZeroTier, WireGuard Β«LANΒ» RuVDS. [β†’]
  3. IKEv2 MikroTik StrongSwan: EAP ms-chapv2 [β†’]
  4. [β†’ (en)]
  5. , WordPress [β†’ (en)]


  1. Quarkus [β†’ (en)]
  2. Airflow Celery RabbitMQ [β†’]
  3. kubernetes. EFK LDAP . (Bitnami, opendistro) [β†’]
  4. Airflow HDP Ambari Celery [β†’]
  5.  [β†’ (en)]
  6. SAP Data Intelligence Red Hat OpenShift [β†’ (en)]
  7. Longhorn 1.1 ReadWriteMany [β†’ (en)]
  8. Google Play Jenkins [β†’]
  9. Kafka , β€” [β†’]
  10. Airbyte [β†’ (en)]
  11. CI/CD Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Argo CD. 2 [β†’]
  12. #2. Elasticsearch Kubernetes [β†’]
  13. Kubernetes [β†’ (en)]
  14. ELK. II β€” Kibana Logstash [β†’]
  15. Kubernetes , : [β†’ (en)]
  16. Hadoop On-Premise Google Cloud [β†’ (en)]

AI & Data Science

  1. AI Fairness 360:  [β†’ (en)]
  2. β€” [β†’]
  3. AI Explainability 360: IBM [β†’ (en)]
  4. Python [β†’ (en)]
  5. Python LAMA β€” [β†’ (en)]


  1. Movim: XMPP [β†’ (en)]
  2. Firefox [β†’ (en)]
  3. Signal β€” . [β†’]

  1. BPF: BTF, CO-RE BPF [β†’]
  2. GitHub CI  [β†’ (en)]
  3. ltree Laravel [β†’]
  4. Angular: root- Taiga UI [β†’]
  5.  SCADA- Linux [β†’]
  6. D  [β†’ (en)]
  7. Laravel Symfony [β†’]
  8. Linux [β†’]
  9. Telegram Bota git Gitea Google Cloud Platform [β†’]
  10. Racket Β« Β» [β†’ (en)]
  11. Unix: write(), , [β†’]
  12. Callisto. Selenium Grid [β†’]
  13. Java β€” [β†’]
  14. Xdebug3 Laravel- Docker [β†’]

– , Linux [β†’]

4  [β†’ (en)]

  1. Bash- [β†’]
  2. ifconfig ip [β†’ (en)]
  3. «» , 5 [β†’]
  4. Raspberry Pi  [β†’ (en)]
  5. shell Linux [β†’ (en)]
  6. Linux SSD- 2021 [β†’]
  7. Shell [β†’]
  8. Linux 2021  [β†’ (en)]
  9. , [β†’ (en)]
  10. Bash- . 2 [β†’]
  11. 3 Open Source 2021  [β†’ (en)]
  12. [β†’]

  1.  [β†’ (en)]
  2. 7 , 2020 [β†’ (en)]

  1. XigmaNAS [β†’]
  2. Tails 4.15 [β†’]
  3. Zentyal 7.0 [β†’]
  4. Chrome OS 88 [β†’]
  5. Nitrux 1.3.7 NX Desktop [β†’]
  6. Clonezilla Live 2.7.1 GParted Live 1.2.0 [β†’]
  7. OPNsense 21.1 [β†’]

  1. GNU Binutils 2.36 [β†’]
  2. GParted 1.2 [β†’]
  3. Wayland 1.19 [β†’]
  4. DNF 4.6 [β†’]
  5. GParted 1.2.0. exFAT. [β†’]

  1. Apache CloudStack 4.15 [β†’]
  2. VirtualBox 6.1.18. Linux 5.10 LTS [β†’]
  3. Wine 6.1 [β†’]
  4. EiskaltDC++ 2.4.1 [β†’]
  5. Python- NumPy 1.20.0 [β†’]

Inkscape 1.0.2. , [β†’]


Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage 4.6  [β†’ (en)]


Firefox 85 [β†’ 1, 2, 3, 4 (en)]

  1. ruleguard v0.3.0 [β†’]
  2. Dotenv-linter v3.0.0 [β†’]
  3. GNU Autoconf 2.71 [β†’]
  4. GitLab 13.8 c Pipeline Editor, CI Lint & Validator, Visualization, Deploy Boards [β†’]
  5. dotenv-linter v3.0.0? [β†’]
  6. Datanymizer. [β†’]

  1. Thunar 4.17.0, Xfce [β†’]
  2. - KDE Plasma 5.21 [β†’]
  3. - GNOME 40 [β†’]
  4. Midnight Commander 4.8.26 [β†’]

  1. Pingvinus: IT #35 β€” , BleachBit, Alpine Linux… [β†’]

  2. Linux Foundation 2021 : Bootcamp Sale, SolarWinds Orion, Kubernetes WebAssembly, - LFX [β†’ (en)]

  3. Open Source , Mapbox [β†’ (en)]

  4. Red Hat: 8 Kubernetes-, Curl - Β« Β» [β†’]

  5. Open Source SD Times: Smart Argument Suites [β†’ (en)]

That's all, until next Sunday!

Many thanks to the editors and authors of OpenNET [β†’] , a lot of news materials and messages about new releases were taken from them.

If anyone is interested in compiling digests and has the time and opportunity to help, I will be glad, write to the contacts indicated in my profile, or in private messages.

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