Pitfalls - Grass Animation (Unity3d)


Well, it seems the time has come to tell the very story about the real development of the game in all its glory, and I would like to start with the animation of the grass, on which, spoiler, I wasted four whole days of my life.

Animation inside Unity

What we have is just grass in several layers for the swaying of which I decided to find an appropriate program.

First of all, the choice fell on Anima2d - the tool for bone animation built into Unity3d, which looked very decent, and I already had experience with the program, because it was used to implement the animation of the main character

After tinkering for a couple of hours in the toolkit, I still made the grass sway quite disagreeably, but the FPS drawdowns made everything worse. Due to poor optimization, even including "bones" only in the player's field of view did not improve the situation, so this method did not work for me.

Animation in DragonBones

The next option was DragonBones - the same skeletal animation, but with the subsequent porting of it to Unity, which is quite time consuming - one search for plugins and a suitable Json is worth something (about it some other time).

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PS Do not get hung up on trifles in your games, first of all the gameplay, and improvements later. Good luck developing the game of your dreams.

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