The app answers: how we reduced the number of ANRs by six times. Part 2, on error correction

, ANR (Application Not Responding), . , , , .

, , ANR-, — . Google Play — . :

Broadcast of Intent { } …”, , - . - , , , , 60% ANR- Application.onCreate.

, . , - ANR.

Application.onCreate Android. :

  • , ANR- , ;

  • BroadcastReceiver, ANR 10 . , , .

: , ANR-, Android ANR- ( “Enable background ANR dialogs” ). , , , .

, ANR-, , Application.onCreate. Google Play, Firebase Cloud Messaging BroadcastReceiver: 10- , ANR-.

, , Application Application.onCreate ( ). , ContentProvider’ , , onCreate.

: . : , . Android, , Application.onCreate, , , . :

Background cold start application duration
Application cold start duration

, 2,2 , — 5 . 3% 10 . , , ANR-. , .

, . Android Studio .

Android Studio / . , , . . :

  • startMethodTracingSampling

  • startMethodTracing

  • stopMethodTracing

Application ( ), Application.onCreate, onResume Activity. , Application - :

class Application {
    constructor() {
        Debug.startMethodTracingSampling("/sdcard/startup.trace", 64 * 1024 * 1024, 50)

    override fun onCreate() {
        // …

Android Studio:


  • sample-based- method-based-. , . Sample-based- , . , sample-based- .

  • debug- release- . , -. ( Leak Canary) . 

, , . , ( ?), , . . , .

. application scope, , . . application scope , , «» .

- , , . , (Handler.postDelayed). .


ContentProvider. , AndroidManifest.xml, Android ContentProvider , .

- ContentProvider, , AndroidManifest.xml :

    tools:node="remove" /> 

, . , , , ContentProvider, , . , Application.onCreate.

, 95- 50% ( ~10 ~5 ):

ANR-? Google Play:

Source: TV series "Office"
: «»

, , ANR-. “Bad Behaviour” , .

SharedPreferences apply()

- Google Play :

, , - Android, , SharedPreferences. 

, , ANR-.

commit, . SharedPreferences apply. , API?

Android. SharedPreferences SharedPreferences HashMap, commit apply , . , , , , . MemoryCommitResult.

apply(), , enqueueDiskWrite(), , . apply():

public void apply() {
    final MemoryCommitResult mcr = commitToMemory();
    final Runnable awaitCommit = () -> mcr.writtenToDiskLatch.await();


    Runnable postWriteRunnable = () -> {;

    SharedPreferencesImpl.this.enqueueDiskWrite(mcr, postWriteRunnable);

Runnable — , . Runnable QueuedWork. JavaDoc QueueWork , :

Internal utility class to keep track of process-global work that's outstanding and hasn't been finished yet.

This was created for writing SharedPreference edits out asynchronously so we'd have a mechanism to wait for the writes in Activity.onPause and similar places, but we may use this mechanism for other things in the future.

, Activity.onStop, Service.onStartCommand Service.onDestroy.

, Android . apply(), commit().

, , . ? SharedPreferences, . , SharedPreferences , , .

, SharedPreferences ANR- apply, A/B-, . SharedPreferences -:

fun Context.createPreferences(name: String, mode: Int = Context.MODE_PRIVATE): SharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences(name, mode) 

SharedPreferences . - SharedPreferences, , apply(): commit() . , - SharedPreferences — Binary Preferences, - .

A/B- :

fun Context.createPreferences(name: String, mode: Int = Context.MODE_PRIVATE): SharedPreferences =
    if (isAsyncCommitAbTestEnabled()) {
        getAsyncCommitSharedPrefs(this, name, mode)
    } else {
        getSharedPreferences(name, mode)

A/B-, . , .

, ANR- 4% A/B . , .


, ANR rate. 

, ANR rate. , , ANR- BroadcastReceiver, Application.onCreate. , — .

, BroadcastReceiver push-. : , , , ?

Android . , . BroadcastReceiver- , . Android Application.onCreate:

. Application . , Application.onCreate, , push-. BroadcastReceiver ANR-:

, , AndroidManifest.xml. , BroadcastReceiver “receiver” “android:process”. , Firebase Cloud Messaging?

, . FCM BroadcastReceiver tools:node=”replace”. FCM BroadcastReceiver, push- FirebaseMessagingService, . :

  <intent-filter android:priority="-500">
  <action android:name="" />

  <action android:name="" />

, Google Play broadcast , Application.onCreate, , :

class Application {
	override fun onCreate() {
		if (isMainProcess) {
			// perform usual initialization

. .

push-, , , . , , , Activity PendingIntent .

, :

, .

— :

  • ANR- Badoo 0,8% 0,41% , *, 0,28%:

* Google Play - .

  • ANR- .

ANR rate, , - :

  • FCM . , , , .

  • FCM- , , XML- .

, . , , ANR rate, .

ANR rate ANR- :

, ANR rate . 

, ANR? .

  1. Snap Engineering

  2. SharedPreferences

  3. SharedPreferences

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