Moving from Azure to GCP, ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core 3.1

Author: Andrey Zhukov, .NET Team Leader, DataArt

In this article, I described my own successful experience of migrating a real project from one cloud platform to another. Of course, this is not the only possible way. But I think here you can find tips that will make life easier for everyone who is just about to make such a transition. However, you will need to consider the specifics of your project and use common sense. 

, : Azure -> GCP

(Azure) (Google Cloud Platform). Node.js full-stack typescript-. ASP.NET MVC , . GCP.

, , GCP

ASP.NET MVC-, MS SQL . Azure App Services.

Web Portal — , Razor, TypeScript, JavaScript, Knockout Bootstrap. . , Azure: Azure Service Bus, Azure Blobs, Azure Tables storage, Azure Queue storage. - , . . GCP . , Azure Cache for Redis. Azure WebJob, Azure Service Bus. , , .

Initially, the architecture of the Web Portal in our project looked like this
Web Portal

Azure WebJobs - . — , , Hangfire, IHostedService Microsoft.

Web API — ASP.NET WEB API. MS SQL . , , . .

, : , , ASP.NET MVC . . , , , . .

, ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core 3.1, WebJob c .NET Framework .NET Core, Linux. Windows GCP , . , Azure, - Azure WebJob, , GCP, . . Azure App Services. Docker. - .

, : , .

, . . Smoke tests.

, , , . . .   , , , .

: , . , - . , , . , , , , , . . , , .

Azure GCP-, cloud-agnostic-. .

, - , . . , . . – , , . 

  1. Web Portal c ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core

    1.1.  Web Portal Azure , .

    1.2.  Web Portal .NET Core.

    1.3.  .

    1.4.  Merge Web Portal , .

    1.5.  Web Portal.

    1.6.  Web Portal, Azure.


    2.1.  E2E Web API.

    2.2.  Web API Azure , .

    2.3.  Web API.

    2.4.  Web API .NET Core.

    2.5.  Web API .

    2.6.  Merge Web API , .

    2.7.  Web API.

    2.8.  Web API, Azure.

  3. Azure

    3.1.  Web Portal Azure.

  4. GCP

    4.1.  Web Portal GCP.

    4.2.  Web Portal .

    4.3.  .

    4.4.  Web API GCP.

    4.5.  Web API .

    4.6.  prod-.

    4.7.  Web Portal Web API prod GCP.

, , , .

.NET Framework -> .NET Core

.Net Framework .Net Core Microsoft ASP.NET ASP.NET Core.

-Web- :

  • NuGet- Visual Studio 2019;

  • ;

  • App.config XML settings.json .

NuGet- Azure SDK , . , .NET Core , . Azure Service Bus WebJobs SDK. Azure Service Bus , WebJob , SDK.



  2. ( NuGet-, . ).

  3. Web.config appsettings.json .

  4. Dependency injection .NET Core , Asp.NET MVC .

  5.   StaticFiles middleware : , , JavaScript-, CSS- . .

app.UseStaticFiles(); // wwwroot
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
     	FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(
         Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Scripts")),
     	RequestPath = "/Scripts"



6. bundleconfig.json JavaScript CSS- . JavaScript CSS:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/bundles/Content.css" asp-append-version="true" />
<script src="~/bundles/modernizr.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>


, (bundles) , . . wwwroot

( ).

7. UnhadledExceptions: ASP.NET Core , , .

8.     : ASP.NET Core Serilog. , , -, structured logging c .

9.     Session — , , .

10.  Routing: , templates, - .

11.  JSON-:  ASP.NET Core System.Text.Json Newtonsoft.Json. Microsoft , , , , , Newtonsoft.Json . , Newtonsoft.Json. , , Web API , , , . Newtonsoft.Json

12.  Typescript 2.3. , Node.js, Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild, tsconfig.json, (Definitions) Knockout, - //@ts-ignore

13.  HTTPS . , HttpsOnly, .

14.  , body , URL , HTTP Headers HttpContext , . . API ASP.NET MVC. , binding (Actions) (Controllers).

15.  Swagger c Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.

16.  Authentication .

, . , .


ASP.NET Core Azure-. , , - GCP. .

Azure Service Bus Redis Pub/Sub. , , , RabbitMQ. , , Redis . — . , , . , Redis Pub/Sub , .

Azure Blobs GCP Blobs. , - : GCP Blobs . CSV. Google Google Cloud operations suite, Stackdriver.

Azure Table Storage Web Portal. , . Microsoft, . . ILogger. , Serilog. GCP Stackdriver.

- GCP, Azure. , , , : IBlobService, IRequestLogger, ILogReader. Serilog. , Web Portal, , Azure Table Storage, Serilog.Sinks.AzureTableStorage.KeyGenerator.IKeyGenerator. GCP Google Cloud operations Log Router Sinks, BigQuery, .

Azure WebJobs?

Azure WebJobs Azure App Services on Windows. , Azure WebJobs SDK. SDK . :

static async Task Main(string[] args)
  var builder = new HostBuilder();


  var host = builder.Build();

  using (host)
     await host.RunAsync();

Dependency Injection

public class RedisPubSubMessageProcessor : Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService
	public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
	public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

.NET Core . Azure WebJob SDK, Azure WebJob. Linux Docker- Kubernetes, . 

. , . , . , Microsoft. , , . Web API . Azure- , .

, , .


Docker . Dockerfile Visual Studio. , , Web Portal, Web API, WebJob ( ). Dockerfile Microsoft — Dockerfile Web Portal Node.js. build TypeScript.

RUN apt-get update && \
	apt-get -y install curl gnupg && \
	curl -sL  | bash - && \
	apt-get -y install nodejs

Azure App Services -> GKE

.NET Core- GCP, :

  • App Engine Flex.

  • Kubernetes Engine.

  • Compute Engine.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). (Linux). GKE, , , . , . - .

GCP, MS SQL Server, Cloud SQL Google. 

The architecture of our system after migration to GCP

Web Portal , Smoke-. . , Prod, , , Product Owner. QA-, , , . , . Puppeteer-, - . CICD. - - - .

Web API, , . Postman, CICD Newman. Swagger, . . IIS (Internet Information Services), . . , , Postman- . , , Staging, Prod, Dev.

, . , . Web API , , , .

Azure MS SQL -> GCP Managed MS SQL

MS SQL Managed Azure GCP Cloud SQL , . :

  • (Azure :  Database data storage /

    Used space 181GB).

  •     .

  •   Azure GCP Cloud SQL.

, Google Chrome. , .

, . Azure SQL bacpac, backup . 6 bacpac 154 backup. GCP Cloud backup, , MS SQL bacpac backup . Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, MS SQL Server . , . Azure SQL prod , . - , . SSD- 1 .

Azure App Services GCP Kubernetes CICD, Feature Branch deployments, Blue/Green deployment. Kubernetes , Github Actions. Iac (Infrastructure-as-Code) Pulumi.

. — .

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