Automating application publishing to Google Play using Jenkins

For this we need

  1. A valid Google Play Developer account

  2. Linux server with Docker preinstalled, in my case it's Ubuntu 16.04

  3. Installed Android SDK

  4. Jenkins - in this case, we'll deploy it using Docker

  5. Gitea - A convenient service for our own Git repository (it is not necessary to use GItHub as well), we will also raise it on the basis of a Docker container

Setting up Google Play Account

Let's assume that you are already an existing developer and have published your applications in manual mode, which suggests that you know the main points of the process and should not be voiced, we will only touch on what we need for automatic deployment

  1. Log in to Google Cloud Platform, if the project has not yet been created, then create it

  2. In the IAM and administration section - Service accounts, click Create a service account

  3. After filling in the appropriate fields, it will be created and will appear in the list, click on the three dots on the right and select create a key, select JSON, save it, we will need it to configure Jenkins

  4. Log in to the Gooogle Play Developer Console

  5. email , ( )

  6. , .

Android SDK

# Install latest JDK
sudo apt install default-jdk

sudo apt install android-sdk


Android SDK PATH,  ~/.bashrc


# Export the Android SDK path 
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

# Fixes sdkmanager error with java versions higher than java 8
export JAVA_OPTS='-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions --add-modules'

source ~/.bashrc

sdkmanager --list

sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28"

Android SDK , ,


git GitHub , . ( gitea Telegram Bot`a )


1) Gitea , Docker HUB

version: '2'
    image: gitea/gitea:1.12.4
      - ./data:/data
      - "3000:3000"
      - "22:22"
      - db
    restart: always
    image: mariadb:10
    restart: always
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=changeme
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=gitea
      - MYSQL_USER=gitea
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=changeme
      - ./db/:/var/lib/mysql

2) docker-compose you_filename

3) Gitea URL http://you_IP:3000/

4) , , PUSH , ( , volume jenkins gradle , )

apk , keystore gradle ,

// Load keystore
def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file("")
def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))

// GenerateNameVersion
def getVersionNameTimestamp() {
    return new Date().format('yy.MM.ddHHmm')

// GenerateVersionCode
def getVersionCodeTimestamp() {
    def date = new Date()
    def formattedDate = date.format('yyMMddHHmm')
    def code = formattedDate.toInteger()
    println sprintf("VersionCode: %d", code)
    return code


android {
    signingConfigs {
        config {
            keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
            keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
            storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
            storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
    defaultConfig {
        versionCode getVersionCodeTimestamp()
        versionName "${getVersionNameTimestamp()}"


  • keystore , GitHub, OpenSource , .

  • Google Play , Gradle , , , - deploy (PUSH)


Docker , , ,

docker run -it -d -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /usr/lib/android-sdk:/usr/lib/android-sdk -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 --env JENKINS_OPTS="--prefix=/jenkins" --restart always leganas/ls_repository:jenkins

volumes Android SDK


Jenkins ,

1) , System Configuration - , Environment variables ( )

2) - Git Gradle ( )

3) - , , API Token , , .

4) Git, Git client, Google OAuth Credentials plugin, Google Play Android Publisher

5) - Manage Credentials Configure credentials -Store - Jenkins - Global credentials (unrestricted)- 2 |

  • Git

    .. Gitea login/password , GitHub

  • Google Play Market


6) Jenkins

  • - Git , Repository URL Credentials ( )

  • - Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts), ( ) GIt huck

  • Invoke Gradle script , -

Release traack , , " "

7) Web Jenkins - Git /master , , Google Play.

Google Play , deploy Git PUSH /master

1) Gitea - - Git , post-receive ,

while read oldrev newrev refname
    branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref $refname)
    if [ "master" = "$branch" ]; then
       curl --user you_user_name:you_user_token http://you_url_jenkins/job/you_project/build?token=you_tocken_build

  • you_user_name - jenkins

  • you_user_token -

  • you_url_jenkins Jenkins :

Jenkins PUSH master .

PS. If you use another Git system to store your code, then you can place the same code by hand in .git \ hooks \ post-update


In case of a positive feedback from the article, in the next part I will tell you how to write a Telegram bot to notify your testers about the availability of an application update on Google Play.

I hope this information was useful and will somehow make your life easier for setting up automatic publishing.

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